Diploma in Digital Marketing

…platforms as a business tool. The programme will provide the learners with the knowledge and understanding to create digital content for Digital Marketing, compare opinions, pass comments on the activities…

Career Guidance

passi biex tikseb il-karriera tal-ħolm tiegħek huma ċ-ċertifikati li hemm bżonn ikollok biex tikkwalifika għal-impieg tal-għażla tiegħek. Għalhekk, jekk għadek ma ddeċidejtx minn fejn se tibda, ikkuntattja lill-Career Advisers tal-MCAST….

Il-bibien tal-MCAST għadhom miftuħin għall-istudenti ġodda

…qed nipprovdu appoġġ lill-istudenti kollha sabiex ikunu jistgħu jkomplu b’suċċess it-tagħlim tagħhom. Irridu nħeġġu lillistudenti kollha jieħdu l-pass li jmiss u jagħżlu mill-firxa ta’ korsijiet biex jilħqu l-potenzjal sħiħ tagħhom.”…

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Years

passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Level or I-Level: Two subjects from Mathematics or English or Maltese and Compulsory: A pass at SEC/O-Level in the subject that is not presented…

Be the face of MCAST

…scanning the QR code. It is important that interested applicants use their MCAST email to submit their applications. For further inquiries please do contact MCAST Communications Office via email communications@mcats.edu.mt…