Gozo Campus

Course Title: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Years
Course Code: CS6-05-22G


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
The degree prepares learners to work in an Early Years setting with children aged three to five. Throughout the first two years of the course, learners cover different components of the required learning that leads students to become practitioners with further specialisation in more specific areas. Throughout the course learners experience placement within an early years setting to progressively become adept at working with a group of children using the emergent curriculum approach.
Il-kors jipprepara lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu f’ambjent ta’ Snin Bikrin ma’ tfal ta’ bejn tlieta u ħames snin. Matul l-ewwel sentejn tal-kors, l-istudenti jkopru komponenti differenti tat-tagħlim meħtieġ li jwassal lill-istudenti biex isiru prattikanti b’aktar speċjalizzazzjoni f’oqsma aktar speċifiċi. Matul il-kors, l-istudenti jagħmli work placement fi żmien snin bikrija biex b’mod progressiv isiru kapaċi jaħdmu ma’ grupp ta’ tfal li jużaw il-metodu talkurrikulu emerġenti.
MQF Level: 6
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level or I-Level: Two subjects from Mathematics or English or Maltese
Compulsory: A pass at SEC/O-Level in the subject that is not presented at A-level or I-level
Other entry requirements: Prior to embarking on a Work Placement, learners need to:
• satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors Act (POMA);
• present a clean police conduct certificate;
• complete a Basic First Aid course;
• complete a Paediatric First Aid course;
• vaccination card with complete vaccination programme.

Before starting the third year of their studies, students would need to have presented official certification confirming their Proficiency in Maltese and English.

Any entry requirements presented in this Prospectus, are intended for educational purposes. Employers will eventually set their own job vacancy requirements which obviously need to be respected by all those applying for that particular vacancy.

Career opportunities: Kinder Garten Educator, Child Care Centre Manager
Programme details: