Advanced Diploma in Accounting

…Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics Other entry requirements: – Career opportunities: Accounts Clerk Accounts Administrator Audit assistant Credit Management Officer Programme details: Download…

Advanced Diploma in Accounting

…Level 3 Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics Other entry requirements: – Career opportunities: Accounts Clerk Accounts Administrator Audit assistant Credit Management Officer Programme…

Undergraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance

Course Code MQF Level Level 5 Duration 1Year Awarding Body MCAST Mode of Attendance Full-Time Total ECTS Credits 60 ECTS Entry Requirements Higher Secondary Examination Certificate Basic knowledge in accounts

CSR Opportunities

…various topics on the web radio Write articles on the website as blog contributors Manage AMAM Tik Tok account, our social media accounts Suggest any empowering initiative that can support…

Diploma in Business

…into more detail, while starting from the very basics of different business areas and functions such as Accounts, Human Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, and others. This generic background allows the students…

Diploma in Business

…course however also goes into more detail, while starting from the very basics of different business areas and functions such as Accounts, Human Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, and others. This generic…

Advanced Diploma in Business Administration

…administration, accounts, marketing, recruitment, and health and safety among others. The course, which is assessed through a variety of scenario related assessments, also sees learners go out on Apprenticeship where…

Dylan Farrugia United Kingdom

…it is all visually appealing. A substantial part of my job, involved me using different social media accounts to promote the company and keep its followers updated on what is…

Advanced Diploma in Hairdressing

…ta’ esperjenzi f’salons professjonali. Il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti l-kompetenzi meħtieġa biex imexxu salon tax-xagħar b’mod professjonali, inkluż għarfien f’oqsma bħat-tmexxija tar-riżorsi umani, il-legiżlazzjoni fil-qasam, bażi taż-żamma tal-accounts u kunċetti tar-reklamar. Il-programm…