Gozo Campus

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Accounting
Course Code: BC4-A3-21G


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This programme aims to give learners a very good grounding in the studying of Accounts. Study areas range from aspects of financial management accounting to the use of accounting software and more generic areas of key skills.

The course includes hands-on experience through Apprenticeship where students will learn by doing and gain experience first-hand on the application of the theory.

Students who finish the course will have sufficient accounting knowledge and skills to commence employment in an accountancy field, or to enable them to further their studies to obtain qualifications from recognised chartered accountancy bodies.

Dan il-programm għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti bażi tajba ħafna fl-istudju tal-Accounts. L-oqsma tal-istudju jvarjaw minn aspetti ta’ financial management accounting għall-użu ta’ softwer li huwa speċifiku għall-accounting u oqsma ta’ ħiliet ewlenin aktar ġeneriċi. Il-kors jinkludi esperjenza prattika bis-saħħa ta’ Apprendistat li matulu l-istudenti jitgħallmu billi jagħmlu b’idejhom u jakkwistaw esperjenza prattika fl-applikazzjoni tatteorija. Studenti li jtemmu l-kors ikollhom biżżejjed għarfien u ħiliet biex jaqbdu jaħdmu fil-qasam tal-accountancy, jew biex ikomplu jistudjaw biex jiksbu kwalifiki minn korpi rikonoxxuti ta’ chartered accountancy.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Accounts Clerk
Accounts Administrator
Audit assistant
Credit Management Officer
Programme details: