Institute of Business Management and Commerce

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Business Administration
Course Code: BC4-A1-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This programme will allow learners to study the different areas of business and office administration. It is aimed either at students who aspire to one day open up their own business or follow in their family business, or else to work in the administration of a company at a junior level. This generic course offers a good basis into the main areas of business administration including office administration, accounts, marketing, recruitment, and health and safety among others. The course, which is assessed through a variety of scenario related assessments, also sees learners go out on Apprenticeship where a holistic hands-on and practical approach is adopted.
Dan il-programm jippermetti lill-istudenti jistudjaw l-oqsma differenti dwar in-negozju
u l-amministrazzjoni tal-uffiċċju. Il-kors huwa mmirat lejn studenti li jaspiraw li xi darba jiftħu n-negozju tagħhom jew ikomplu jmexxu n-negozju tal-familja tagħhom, jew inkella biex jaħdmu fl-amministrazzjoni ta’ kumpanija mhux f’livell għoli. Dan il-kors ġeneriku joffri bażi tajba fl-oqsma ewlenin tal-amministrazzjoni tan-negozju inklużi l-amministrazzjoni tal-uffiċċju, l-accounts, il-marketing, ir-reklutaġġ, u s-saħħa u s-sigurtà fost oħrajn. Il-kors, li huwa vvalutat permezz ta’ varjetà ta’ valutazzjonijiet relatati maxxenarju, jipprovdi wkoll Apprendistat għall-istudenti biex hekk jiksbu esperjenza prattika.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Applicants with a good working knowledge of English Language will better benefit from a positive learning experience throughout the course.
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Clerk
Administrative Assistant
Human Resource Assistant
Front Office Coordinator
Purchasing Officer
Field Research Officer
Supply Chain / Logistics Officer
Programme details: