Doctorate |
Course Title: Professional Research Doctorate (DRes) on the Competitive Behaviour of Small Organizations |
Course Code: RI8-01-21 |
ECTS: – |
Course details |
Mode: Taught, research based |
The MCAST Professional Research Doctorate (DRes) on the Competitive Behaviour of Small Organizations is a research based EQF/MQF Level 8 qualification that takes on a specific remit to understand and build applied theories of small organization competitive behaviour within small island states, using the grounded theory method of enquiry and adopting qualitative and mixed methods techniques.
Fees: A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants. |
Id-Dottorat ta’ Riċerka Professjonali (DRes) tal-MCAST dwar l-Imġiba Kompetittiva ta’ Organizzazzjonijiet Żgħar hija kwalifika tal-Livell 8 tal-EQF/MQF, ibbażata fuq riċerka li għandha l-għan speċifiku li tifhem u tibni teoriji applikati dwar l-imġiba kompetittiva ta’ organizzazzjonijiet żgħar fi stati gżejjer żgħar. Il-metodu li se jintuża għal din ir-riċerka se jkun dak magħruf bħala grounded theory fejn jiġu applikati tekniki kwalitattivi u oħrajn imħallta.
MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry |
MQF Level: 8 |
Duration: 5 Years Part-Time |
Entry requirements: A relevant first degree and a relevant master qualification at 60 ECTS, with at least 5 years relevant industry or research experience. |
Other entry requirements: A relevant first degree and a relevant masters qualification at 90 ECTS, with at least 2 years relevant industry or research experience or A master qualification in the MCAST MVEAR at 120 ECTS, with at least 2 years’ relevant industry or research experience or A relevant master qualification at 90 ECTS, and at least 10 years’ relevant industry or academic experience |
Career opportunities: The D.Res is aimed at senior management, business leaders, NGO leaders, policy makers and senior technologists that need to understand the behavioural and competitive patterns of small organizations with the aim of enhancing the efficiencies and the performance of these small organizations. |
Programme details: |
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