Masters |
Course Title: Master of Business Administration In Retail |
Course Code: RI7-01-23 |
Course details |
Mode: Blended |
The Master in Retail focuses on the learning and practical application of concepts essential for operating and marketing a retail business. This programme develops an understanding of the contemporary retail environment and examines topical issues relating to retail management and marketing. This programme assesses analytical skills essential for operating and marketing in an international retail environment with a view to putting this knowledge into practice. The Master in Retail is structured to reflect the needs of modern business retail dynamics. The Master in Retail is taught by industry experts and leading academics who have had successful careers in their respective business settings.
Fees: Unless otherwise indicated through the respective Programme Specifications, as well as the MCAST Exit Policy document, A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants. |
Dan il-kors ta’ Master in Retail jiffoka fuq it-tagħlim u l-applikazzjoni prattika ta’ kunċetti essenzjali fl-operat u r-reklamar tan-negozju bl-imnut. Il-programm iwassal lill-istudenti biex jifhmu l-ambjent kontemporanju tan-negozju bl-imnut, filwaqt li jiġu eżaminati problemi tipiċi relatati mat-tmexxija u r-reklamar f’negozju ta’ din ix-xorta. Jiġu kkunsidrati ħiliet analitiċi li huma essenzjali għall-operat u r-reklamar ta’ bejgħ bl-imnut f’ambjent internazzjonali bl-iskop li dan l-għarfien jitpoġġa fil-prattika. Il-kors huwa strutturat biex jirrifletti l-ħtiġijiet tad-dinamika moderna tas-settur tal-bejgħ bl-imnut. Il-Master in Retail huwa mgħallem minn esperti fl-industrija u akkademiċi ewlenin li kellhom karriera ta’ suċċess fil-qasam rispettiv tagħhom.
MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry |
MQF Level: 7 |
Duration: FT 3 Semesters/ 18 months PT 5 Semesters |
Entry requirements: A relevant first degree |
Other entry requirements: A MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience are also considered. |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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