Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Diploma in Light Vehicle Servicing |
Course Code: MV3-A2-21 |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This programme is intended for learners who would like to start developing a strong grounding in the field of motor vehicle engineering and maintenance. Through the various aspects of training that this course provides, learners should be able to gain a good understanding of the basic systems found in light vehicles and how to handle tools safely. Learners will also develop the essential skills of the trade, including the carrying out of basic routine checks, the replacement of parts as required in the periodic servicing of vehicles, and the maintenance of appropriate service records. In this programme, learners will also follow studies in key skills subjects, such as English, Maltese, Mathematics, Information Technology and Individual and Social Responsibility. |
Dan il-programm huwa maħsub għal studenti li jixtiequ jibdew jiżviluppaw bażi soda fil-qasam tal-inġinerija u l-manutenzjoni ta’ vetturi bil-mutur. Permezz tad-diversi aspetti tat-taħriġ ipprovduti matul dan il-kors, l-istudenti għandhom ikunu kapaċi jiksbu fehim tajjeb tas-sistemi bażiċi li wieħed isib f’vetturi żgħar, kif ukoll kif jużaw l-għodda relatata b’mod sikur. L-istudenti jiżviluppaw ukoll il-ħiliet essenzjali tas-sengħa biex jagħmlu kontrolli bażiċi ta’ rutina, jibdlu parts kif meħtieġ fis-servisjar perjodiku tal-vetturi, u jżommu rekords xierqa tas-service. F’dan il-programm, l-istudenti jsegwu wkoll studji fir-rigward tas-suġġetti tal-ħiliet ewlenin, bħall-Ingliż, il-Malti, il-Matematika, it-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u r-Responsabbiltà Individwali u Soċjali. |
MQF Level: 3 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate or 2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Light vehicle service mechanic, Light vehicle assistant mechanic, Assistant fitter |
Programme details: |
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