Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Foundation Certificate in Engineering |
Course Code: MV2-01-21 |
Course details |
Mode: – |
This course is designed to provide an opportunity to prospective learners to follow a structured programme of study in Engineering. The programme includes a significant amount of hands-on practice, project-based learning and industry-related activities that will help learners form a clear idea of the nature of the engineering trade or vocation they intend to follow. This one-year Level 2 programme provides a broad introduction to basic theoretical concepts and practical skills in Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and is suitable for those learners intending to start and further their studies in Engineering. Key skills subjects also form an integral part of this programme, giving learners the opportunity to nurture their competences in key areas: English, Maltese, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology and Individual and Social Responsibility. |
Dan il-kors huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi lill-istudenti prospettivi l-opportunità li jsegwu programm strutturat ta’ studju fl-Inġinerija. Il-programm jinkludi ammont sewwa ta’ prattika diretta, tagħlim ibbażat fuq proġetti u attivitajiet relatati mal-industrija, li jgħinu lill-istudenti jiffurmaw idea ċara tan-natura tas-sengħa jew tal-vokazzjoni fil-qasam tal-Inġinerija li huma jixtiequ jaqbdu. Dan il-programm ta’ sena f’Livell 2 jipprovdi introduzzjoni wiesgħa għall-kunċetti teoretiċi bażiċi u l-ħiliet prattiċi fl-Inġinerija Mekkanika, Elettrika u Elettronika, u huwa tajjeb għal dawk l-istudenti li għandhom l-intenzjoni li jibdew u jkomplu jistudjaw l-Inġinerija. Is-suġġetti ta’ ħiliet ewlenin jiffurmaw ukoll parti integrali minn dan il-programm, u jagħtu lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jtejbu l-kompetenzi tagħhom fl-oqsma ewlenin: l-Ingliż, il-Malti, il-Matematika, ix-Xjenza, it-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u r-Responsabbiltà Individwali u Soċjali. |
MQF Level: 2 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Introductory Certificate or Finished Compulsory Education Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable) |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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