Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations (also leading to OIC Navigational Watch)
Course Code: MS4-01-21


Course details

Mode: Sea cadets are required to attend a 12 months sea placement for the OIC Navigational Watch Certificate Of Competence qualification
Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations (also leading to OIC Navigational Watch) programme is designed to prepare candidates for a career in the maritime sector.
The Advanced Diploma is a 2 year full time course and the qualification is issued by MCAST, whilst the programme also prepares candidates as sea cadets with a further 12 month sea placement and Transport Malta written exams including the final oral exam to qualify for the ultimate maritime qualification with the Certificate of Competence as an Officer In Charge of a Navigational Watch (unlimited) on ocean-going merchant vessels. This qualification is issued by Transport Malta (Maritime) Authority.
Candidates can opt to take the course leading to Officer In Charge of Navigational Watch alone and sit for Transport Malta examinations OR the course leading to Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations alone and sit for MCAST examinations OR both with full qualifications.
It is to be noted that those candidates taking the Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations course will not be entitled to work as navigation ship officers.
The course consists of a number of maritime related subjects such as Navigation, Meteorology, Signals, Ship Knowledge and Stability, Cargo Operations, International Regulations, and leadership training in which all candidates are expected to participate.
Officer Cadets are expected to wear a merchant marine uniform whilst undergoing training both ashore and on board ships.
Officer Cadets attending the course will be expected to find own ship sponsor for the practical training period at sea during the third phase of training of the course. However, assistance will also be offered.
Dan il-programm ta’ Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations (also leading to OIC Navigational Watch) huwa mfassal biex iħejji kandidati għal karriera fil-qasam marittimu. Advanced Diploma huwa kors ta’ sentghejn full time u l-kwalifika tinhareg mill MCAST, kif ukoll il-programm jipprepara lill-kandidati bhala kadetti marittimi billi jaghmlu 12 il-xahar tahrig fuq il-bahar u ezamijiet ta’ Transport Malta inkluz ezami orali ta’ l-ahhar. B’dawn ikunu jistghu jikkwalifikaw għal Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza (minghajr limitu) bħala Uffiċjali tal bahar sabiex jiehdu l-pozizjoni ta’ Ufficjali marittimi u jkunu jistghu jahdmu fuq kwalunkwe bastiment f’ibhra internazjonali. Il-kandidati jistghu jaghzlu l-kors tal Officer In Charge of Navigational Watch u jersqu ghal ezamijiet imhejija mit Transport Malta JEW il-kors tal Advanced Diploma u jersqu ghal ezamijiet imhejija mill MCAST JEW it-tnejn. Nigbdu l-attenzjoni li dawk il-kandidati li jaghzlu l-Advanced Diploma biss ma jkunux jistghu jahdmu bhala ufficjali ta’ navigazjoni fuq il-vapuri. It-taħriġ jikkonsisti f’numru ta’ suġġetti relatati mal-baħar, bħan-Navigazzjoni, ilMeteoroloġija, is-Sinjali, l-Għarfien u l-Istabbiltà tal-Vapuri, l-Operazzjonijiet tal-Merkanzija, ir-Regolamenti Internazzjonali, flimkien ma’ taħriġ fit-tmexxija, li fihom il-kandidati kollha huma mistennija li jipparteċipaw. Kadetti marittimi ikunu mistennija li jilbsu l-uniformi waqt it-tahrig kemm fuq l-art u fuq il-bastimenti. L-Uffiċjali Kadetti li jkunu qed jagħmlu l-kors huma wkoll mistennija iffitxu sponsor ghal perjodu tat tahrig prattiku fuq il-bahar, ghalkemm jingħataw għajnuna wkoll.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 years full time for the Advanced Diploma. A further 12 months training at sea and Transport Malta written examinations including final oral exam to achieve the Officer In Charge of Navigational Watch Certificate Of Competence (Unlimited)
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma in Deck Operation
Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma, whilst being in possession of the compulsory subjects as indicated hereunder
4 SEC/O-Level passes/SSC&P (Level 3) passes:
Compulsory: Physics, Mathematics and English Language
Other entry requirements: Medical Test
Students must have reached the age of 18 years prior to start of sea experience
Career opportunities: Advanced Diploma holders : Port inspector, Terminal inspector, GMDSS operator, Cargo operator in yard/ship terminal

Officer In Charge of Navigational Watch (unlimited) holders : 2nd Officer onboard ocean going ships of any size and operations.

Programme details: