Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Diploma in Deck Operations |
Course Code: MS3-01-21 |
Course details |
Mode: May include the possibility of Work-based Learning |
This study programme is intended for learners who in future intend to apply for the course of Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations which also leads to Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch. This course is also an opportunity for those learners who would like to find a job and actively work in a maritime environment such as a deck crew on board ships and gain valuable sea time, or in an inshore marina job. The Diploma in Deck Operations course will deliver a solid foundation in general ship knowledge, seamanship and navigation, and provides an understanding of the basic legislative environment within which ships operate. This course also provides an opportunity for learners to complete the STCW basic safety training components. Learners will also be able to sit for the GMDSS ROC and Commercial Vessel Boatmaster Grade 1 examinations, provided that other requirements stipulated by Transport Malta are met. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa maħsub għal studenti li għandhom l-intenzjoni li fil-futur japplikaw għall-kors ta’ Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations kif ukoll jistgħu jaslu biex jilħqu Uffiċjal fil-Kariga ta’ Għassa tan-Navigazzjoni. Il-kors jagħti l-opportunità wkoll lil dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ jsibu impjieg u jaħdmu f’ambjent tal-baħar bħala ekwipaġġ abbord bastimenti u jiksbu ħin ta’ servizz siewi fuq il-baħar, jew jixtiequ jaħdmu f’marina qrib il-kosta. Id-Diploma in Deck Operations tipprovdi bażi soda fl-għarfien ġenerali dwar il-bastimenti, it-tbaħħir u n-navigazzjoni kif ukoll fehim bażiku tal-ambjent leġiżlattiv li fih joperaw il-bastimenti. Dan il-kors jagħti opportunità lill-istudenti jlestu l-komponenti ta’ taħriġ bażiku ta’ sigurtà tal-STCW, u jagħmlu l-eżamijiet għaċ-ċertifikat tal-GMDSS ROC u ta’ Commercial Vessel Boatmaster tal-ewwel grad, basta jkunu jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti l-oħra ta’ Transport Malta. |
MQF Level: 3 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate or 2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Deck crew, Shipping clerk, Water clerk with a shipping agency, Mooring man |
Programme details: |
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