Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing)
Course Code: ME6-02-21


Course details

Mode: Includes Internship
This Mechanical Engineering degree programme provides the learners with a solid understanding of relevant engineering fundamentals and prepares them for a broad range of career options in the manufacturing field. This field is becoming increasingly more and more high tech. The programme is structured around studies which will develop in learners a firm understanding of principles and disciplines which are needed in the modelling, measuring, analysis and design of mechanical components and systems. On completing the course, graduates will be expected to demonstrate that they have assimilated the professional skills necessary for formulating and executing engineering projects. The course also provides training in teamwork and effective communication skills.
Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat fl-Inġinerija Mekkanika jipprovdi lill-istudenti fehim sod tal-elementi fundamentali tal-inġinerija rilevanti u jħejjihom għal firxa wiesgħa ta’ għażliet ta’ karriera fil-qasam tal-manifattura. Dan il-qasam qed isir ta’ livell teknoloġiku li kulma jmur isir dejjem ogħla. Il-programm huwa mfassal madwar studji li jiżviluppaw fl-istudenti fehim sod tal-prinċipji u d-dixxiplini li huma meħtieġa fl-immudellar, il-kejl, l-analiżi u d-disinn ta’ komponenti u sistemi mekkaniċi. Dawk li jiggradwaw minn dan il-kors huma mistennija juru li jkunu assimilaw il-ħiliet professjonali neċessarji biex jifformulaw u jwettqu proġetti tal-inġinerija. Il-kors jipprovdi wkoll taħriġ fil-ħidma f’tim u ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni effettiva.
MQF Level: 6
Duration: 4 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Manufacturing (with an overall mark of 60% or higher)
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Polymer Process Technicians (with an overall mark of 60% or higher)
MCAST Undergraduate Diploma in Foundations of Engineering
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure or Applied)
Applicants need to obtain an average Grade C across their A-Levels in Mathematics and Physics (such as Grades C, C; Grades B, D; Grades A, E)
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Manufacturing process engineer, Engineering designer, Quality control engineer, Engineering manager, Production engineer/manager/superintendent, Engineering laboratory manager, Mechanical engineer
Programme details: