Institute of Engineering and Transport

Advanced Diploma for Polymer Process Technicians


ECTS: 120

Course details

This Advanced Diploma programme is designed to prepare technicians for a career in the field of the transformation of rubbers and plastics, with their different types and compositions, into finished specialised products. It provides a good level of knowledge in the fields of polymer sciences and manufacturing technologies. The scientific background of the technologies and processes involved, including material properties, process control and the effect of variables such as temperature, pressure, and cycle time, are also studied. Training is achieved through a combination of theory and practical sessions of this latest technology in the lecture rooms and workshops, as well as at local industry leaders of this ever-growing sector of manufacturing. Applicants have to be able to work within the industries concerned.
Dan il-programm ta’ Advanced Diploma huwa mfassal biex iħejji lit-teknixins għal karriera fil-qasam tat-trasformazzjoni tal-lasktu u l-plastik, bit-tipi u l-kompożizzjonijiet differenti tagħhom, fi prodotti speċjalizzati lesti. Il-kors jipprovdi livell tajjeb ta’ għarfien fl-oqsma tax-xjenzi tal-polimeri u t-teknoloġiji tal-manifattura. Matulu jiġu studjati wkoll l-isfond xjentifiku tat-teknoloġiji u l-proċessi involuti, inklużi l-proprjetajiet tal-materjali, il-kontroll tal-proċess u l-effett ta’ elementi varjabbli, bħat-temperatura, il-pressjoni, u l-ħin taċ-ċiklu. It-taħriġ jinkiseb permezz ta’ taħlita ta’ sessjonijiet tat-teorija u tal-prattika ta’ din it-teknoloġija l-aktar riċenti fil-klassijiet u l-workshops, kif ukoll għand il-mexxejja tal-industrija lokali f’dan is-settur ta’ manifattura li kulma jmur qed jikber. L-applikanti għandhom ikunu kapaċi jaħdmu fl-industriji kkonċernati.
MQF Level 4
3 Years Full-time
Entry Requirements: MCAST Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or MCAST Diploma in Engineering (Electronics) or MCAST Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics or Physics and One subject from Engineering Technology, Design and Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
Career Pathways: Polymer process technician, Moulding technician, Machine setter
Key Information for Prospective, Continuing, and Progressing Students for Full-Time Programmes