Centre for Learning and Employability |
Course Title: Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level A) |
Course Code: LEA-01-21 |
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The Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level A) supports students with learning disabilities / learning difficulties to acquire the skills required to gain and maintain employment or to further their education. Students are trained in one of the following vocational areas: Hospitality and Retail, Office and Digital Skills. They are also assessed in Key Skills which include Maltese, English, Mathematics, PSHE, IT, Creative Self-Expression, and Daily Living and Community Skills and Customer Care and Employability skills. A work placement experience within the College is also provided according to the vocational area being studied. Before enrolling in the programme, students are required to attend an induction session to assesss the suitability of the course and identify the vocational area according to their abilities. |
L-Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level A) jgħin lill-istudenti b’diżabilità jew b’diffikultà fit-tagħlim jiksbu l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex isibu u jżommu impjieg jew biex ikomplu jistudjaw. L-istudenti jiġu mħarrġa f’wieħed mill-oqsma vokazzjonali li ġejjin: Ospitalità u Bejgħ, Ħiliet tal-Uffiċċju u Ħiliet Diġitali. Huma jiġu ttestjati wkoll fil-Ħiliet Ewlenin, li jinkludu l-Malti, l-Ingliż, il-Matematika, il-PSHE, l-IT, il-Creative Self-Expression, u l-Ħiliet għall-Ħajja ta’ Kuljum u dik Komunitarja u l-Ħiliet tal-Kura tal-Klient u tal-Impjegabbiltà. L-istudenti jingħataw iċ-ċans li jagħmlu esperjenza ta’ taħriġ fil-post tax-xogħol fil-Kulleġġ stess, skont il-qasam vokazzjonali li jkunu qed jistudjaw għalih. Qabel ma jirreġistraw għall-programm, l-istudenti jkunu meħtieġa jattendu laqgħa ta’ evalwazzjoni ġewwa l-MCAST biex jiġi kkonfermat li l-kors hu tajjeb għalihom u jiġi identifikat il-qasam vokazzjonali addattat għall-abbiltajiet tagħhom. |
MQF Level: Introductory A |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: Finished Compulsory Education. Provision of documents including School Leaving Certificate. A recent psychological report (issued no more than 3 years before the date of application) and school reports including the last Individual Education Plan (IEP). Adapt to both class-based and community-based learning – to be ascertained through an induction session at MCAST, attendance for which is compulsory. |
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview. |
Career opportunities: – |
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