Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development
Course Code: IT6-A2-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
The degree in Software Development is intended to prepare learners to work in the industry of application development and engineering and explores the skills required for designing IT enterprise solutions, building robust backend systems, and solving complex problems using the latest paradigms and modern technologies. The programme covers aspects related to software engineering, frontend and backend software technologies, data organisation, persistence and data analysis, software development of portable devices and software quality aspects such as security and testing. Modern trends such as Cloud, Devops, Blockchain, Machine Learning and Computer Vision are also explored. The degree includes work-placements that will allow students to gain experience within the industry and work in a professional environment. At the end of the degree, the students culminate their studies with a research dissertation in an area of their interest. The course is intended for individuals who are keen in solving problems through technology and would like to pursue an exciting career in one of the fundamental pillars of the economy.
Il-kors fis-Software Development huwa maħsub biex jipprepara lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu fl-industrija tal-iżvilupp tal-applikazzjonijiet u l-inġinerija u jesplora l-ħiliet meħtieġa għattfassil ta ‘soluzzjonijiet tal-intrapriżi tal-IT, il-bini ta’ sistemi backend robusti, u s-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi kumplessi bl-użu tal-aħħar teknoloġiji moderni. Il-programm ikopri aspetti relatati mal-inġinerija tas-software, teknoloġiji tas-software frontend u backend, organizzazzjoni tad-data, persistenza u analiżi tad-data, l-żvilupp ta’ software ta’ apparati portabbli u aspetti tal-kwalità tas-software bħas-sigurtà u l-ittestjar. Xejriet moderni bħal Cloud, Devops, Blockchain, Machine Learning u Computer Vision huma esplorati wkoll. Il-programm jinkludi work-placements li se jippermettu lill-istudenti jiksbu esperjenza fl-industrija u jaħdmu f’ambjent professjonali. Fi tmiem tal-kors, l-istudenti jikkonkludu l-istudji tagħhom b’proġett ta’ riċerka f’qasam ta’ interess tagħhom. Il-kors huwa maħsub għal individwi li huma ħerqana li jsolvu problemi permezz tat-teknoloġija u li jixtiequ jsegwu karriera eċċitanti f’wieħed mill-pilastri fundamentali tal-ekonomija.
MQF Level: 6
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in IT
Recommended stream: Software Development
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Electronics (Computer Engineering)
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Computing
Compulsory A-Level or I-Level: Mathematics (Pure or Applied) or Physics
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Web/Back-end/Full-stack developer, Software tester, Mobile applications developer
Programme details: