Institute of Information and Communication Technology |
Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Systems and Networks |
Course Code: IT6-A1-21 |
ECTS: 180 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
Computer systems and networks are a growth area in today’s business environment due to the fact that there is a strong demand for highly skilled technical persons who can devise original solutions for complex problems in the context of IT and network implementation using modern techniques. This hands-on degree programme is intended for learners who wish to pursue a career in the world of computer systems and networks. In this course learners will be exposed to enterprise network technologies, data centre operations, service provider networks, information security, virtualisation, DevOps and cloud computing technologies. Due importance will also be given to emerging technologies which learners will find being implemented when they start working within the industry. A hands-on practical approach is adopted throughout the course.
This course does not entitle the successful candidates to apply for an engineering warrant with the Engineering Profession Board of Malta on successful completion of the course. |
Is-sistemi u n-netwerks tal-kompjuter huma qasam li qed jikber fl-ambjent kummerċjali tal-lum, minħabba l-fatt li hemm domanda kbira għal persuni tekniċi bi kwalifiki għoljin li jistgħu jfasslu soluzzjonijiet oriġinali għal problemi kumplessi fil-kuntest tal-IT u l-implimentazzjoni tan-netwerk bl-użu ta’ teknika moderna. Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat huwa maħsub għal studenti li jixtiequ jsegwu karriera fid-dinja tas-sistemi u n-netwerks tal-kompjuter. F’dan il-kors l-istudenti jiltaqgħu mat-teknoloġiji tan-netwerk tal-intrapriżi, il-funzjoni taċ-ċentri tad-data, in-netwerks tal-fornituri tas-servizzi, is-sikurezza tal-informazzjoni, il-virtwalizzazzjoni, DevOps u t-teknoloġiji tal-cloud computing. Tingħata wkoll l-importanza dovuta lit-teknoloġiji ġodda li qed jiżviluppaw u li l-istudenti se jsibu li jkunu qed jiġu implimentati fl-industrija meta jibdew jaħdmu. Dan il-kors huwa kompletament ta’ natura prattika.
Dan il-kors ma jagħtix id-dritt lill-istudenti li jtemmu l-kors b’suċċess li japplikaw biex jinħarġilhom il-warrant ta’ inġinier mill-Bord tal-Professjoni tal-Inġinerija ta’ Malta. |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in IT Recommended stream: Computer Systems and Networks or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Electronics (Computer Engineering) or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Level: Computing and Compulsory A-Level or I-Level: Mathematics (Pure or Applied) or Physics |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Systems administrator, NOC engineer*, Technical support specialist, Network analyst, DevOps, Cloud infrastructure engineer*
*The term Engineer shall not carry or imply the meaning attributed to the term “Engineer” in Article 2 of the Engineering Profession Act (Chapter 321 of the Laws of Malta) |
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