Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Course Title: Foundation Certificate in ICT
Course Code: IT2-01-21


Course details

Mode: –
The ICT industry is a dynamic sector which requires a number of technical people to cope with the constantly evolving computing technologies. IT persons offer support in these technologies and help other IT specialists in their daily job. The Foundation Certificate in ICT offers knowledge in basic skills as well as knowledge in the fundamentals of computer systems, programming skills, computer graphics, and the creation of ICT projects. This programme of study is not intended to prepare the learner for immediate employment, however it is the first in a string of programmes that will eventually prepare the learner to embark on a career within the computing industry.
L-industrija tal-ICT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħqu mat-teknoloġiji tal-computing li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti. Il-persuni tal-IT joffru appoġġ f’dawn it-teknoloġiji u jgħinu lil speċjalisti oħra tal-IT fix-xogħol tagħhom ta’ kuljum. Il-Foundation Certificate in ICT joffri għarfien fir-rigward tal-ħiliet bażiċi u tal-elementi fundamentali ta’ sistemi tal-kompjuter, il-ħiliet tal-ipprogrammar, il-grafika tal-kompjuter u l-ħolqien ta’ proġetti tal-ICT. Dan il-programm ta’ studju mhuwiex maħsub biex iħejji lill-istudent għal impjieg immedjat. Madankollu, huwa l-ewwel f’sensiela ta’ programmi li eventwalment iħejju lill-istudent sabiex isegwi karriera fl-industrija tal-computing.
MQF Level: 2
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Introductory Certificate
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: –
Programme details: