Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Industrial Electronics with specialisation options in: – Computer Technology – Biomedical Technology – Telecommunications Technology – Control Technology – Electrical Power Technology – Domestic Installations or – Electronic Circuit Manufacturing |
Course Code: EE4-A1-21 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This course gives a good grounding in electronics including different aspects through class-based delivery and hands-on practical workshops and projects. Learners are introduced to the creation of electronic systems in diverse fields, such as industrial electronics, transportation, computer engineering, communications and biomedical engineering. In the first and second year of the course one will cover the core aspects of electronics engineering while in the final year learners will be required to select elective modules from: Computer Technology, Biomedical Technology, Telecommunications Technology, Control Technology, Electrical Power Technology, Domestic Installations and Electronic Circuit Manufacturing. Availability of particular electives will be subject to a minimum number of applications. |
Dan il-kors jipprovdi bażi tajba fl-elettronika fejn l-istudent jiġi espost għal aspetti differenti permezz ta’ lezzjonijiet fil-klassi u prattika fil-workshops, kif ukoll proġetti li jinvolvu xogħol prattiku. L-istudenti huma introdotti għall-ħolqien ta’ sistemi elettroniċi f’diversi oqsma, bħall-elettronika industrijali, it-trasportazzjoni, l-inġinerija tal-kompjuters, il-komunikazzjoni u l-inġinerija bijomedika. Matul l-ewwel u t-tieni sena tal-kors, l-istudenti se jiltaqgħu mal-aspetti ewlenin tal-inġinerija tal-elettronika, filwaqt li fl-aħħar sena se jkunu meħtieġa jagħżlu mill-unitajiet li ġejjin: it-Teknoloġija tal-Kompjuter, itTeknoloġija Bijomedika, it-Teknoloġija tat-Telekomunikazzjoni, it-Teknoloġija tal-Kontroll, it-Teknoloġija tal-Enerġija Elettrika, l-Installazzjonijiet Domestiċi u l-Manifattura ta’ Ċirkwiti Elettroniċi. Id-disponibiltà ta’ ċerti suġġetti tiddependi fuq numru minimu ta’ applikazzjonijiet. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: Any MCAST MQF Level 3 Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes Compulsory: One subject from Engineering Technology or Design and Technology or Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics. |
Other entry requirements: All applicants are asked to sit for a Medical Test in view of any Colour Blindness |
Career opportunities: Electronics technician |
Programme details: |
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