Institute of Community Services |
Course Title: Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 |
Course Code: CS7-20-21p |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Blended |
The Master in Vocational Education and Training Applied Research 4.0 is intended for professionals who are involved in education within a vocational context. It provides pedagogical training through an experiential approach by bridging the contexts of education and industry, both of which influence and determine the nature and scope of vocational education. Participants are provided with opportunities to extend their knowledge, thinking and behaviours to become more effective professionals within their area of expertise. The Master is a proactive response, shifting from the traditional education programmes to innovative practices, linking teaching and action research based on the Scholarship of Teaching within the context of vocational education in Further and Higher Education. This course includes two practice placements within an educational institution. FEES: Fees apply – Further information through MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry) CS7-20-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Business, Management and Commerce) CS7-21-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Health and Social Care) CS7-22-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Engineering and Transport) CS7-23-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Information and Communication Technology) CS7-24-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Media) CS7-25-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Hospitality) CS7-26-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Chemical Technology) CS7-27-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Environmental Technology) CS7-28-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Agribusiness) CS7-29-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Hairdressing and Beauty) CS7-30-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Design) CS7-31-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Arts) CS7-32-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Sports) CS7-33-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Maltese) CS7-34-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (English) CS7-35-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Mathematics) CS7-36-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Science) CS7-37-21p Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Personal, Social and Career Development) |
Il-Master fl-Edukazzjoni Vokazzjonali u t-Taħriġ Riċerka Applikata 4.0 huwa maħsub għal professjonisti li huma involuti fl-edukazzjoni f’kuntest vokazzjonali. Jipprovdi taħriġ pedagoġiku permezz billi jgħaqqad il-kuntesti tal-edukazzjoni u l-industrija, li t-tnejn jinfluwenzaw u jiddeterminaw in-natura u l-ambitu tal-edukazzjoni vokazzjonali. Ilparteċipanti jingħataw opportunitajiet biex jestendu l-għarfien, il-ħsieb u l-imġieba tagħhom biex isiru professjonisti aktar effettivi fil-qasam tal-kompetenza tagħhom. IlMaster huwa rispons proattiv, li jbiddel mill-programmi edukattivi tradizzjonali għal prattiċi innovattivi, li jgħaqqad it-tagħlim u r-riċerka ta’ ‘azzjoni bbażati fuq il-Boroż ta’ Studju tatTagħlim fil-kuntest tal-edukazzjoni vokazzjonali fl-Edukazzjoni Avvanzata u Għolja. Dan il-kors jinkludi żewġ work placements fi ħdan istituzzjoni edukattiva. |
MQF Level: 7 |
Duration: 3 Years Part-time |
Entry requirements: A Bachelor’s degree in the relevant subject area or Be a full-time academic member of staff at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology or Be a full-time academic member of staff in another vocational education institution |
Other entry requirements: Applicants must do two practice placements where they lead learning for a total of 13 weeks in an educational institution, as well as an industrial placement of 40 hours where they will fulfil duties in an area relevant to their area specialization. All eligible candidates shall follow the PostGraduate Certificate in Vocational Education unless they are already in possession of another teaching qualification recognised by the board towards Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), in which case such candidates will register for the Award in Vocational Education. |
Career opportunities: Teacher in vocational education and training, Teacher of vocational and applied subjects in secondary education |
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