Masters |
Course Title: Master in Social Care Practice |
Course Code: CS7-11-22 |
Course details |
Mode: Blended |
The programme of studies targets professionals who have experience working in social care settings, or who wish to move into the field of social care practice. The programme of studies builds on an already acquired professional understanding to further broaden and deepen this with specialised units that provide leading and high quality care across the social care sector. The main aim of the programme is to enhance the professional and transferable skills of those working in the social sector so as to improve the care provided to service users and their communities. The objective here is to improve the experience of the service user to offer the vulnerable sector of our community better life chances. Fees: Unless otherwise indicated through the respective Programme Specifications, as well as the MCAST Exit Policy document, A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa mmirat għal professjonisti li għandhom esperjenza ta’ xogħol f’ambjenti ta’ kura soċjali, jew jixtiequ jsiru prattikanti fil-qasam tal-kura soċjali. Il-programm jibni fuq il-fehim professjonali li l-istudenti diġà jkollhom u jwessa’ u japprofondixxi dan il-fehim permezz ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju speċjalizzati li jwasslu għal kura ta’ kwalità għolja fis-settur tal-kura soċjali. L-għan ewlieni ta’ dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa li jiżdiedu l-ħiliet professjonali u trasferibbli ta’ dawk li jaħdmu fis-settur soċjali sabiex titjieb il-kura pprovduta lil dawk li jużaw is-servizzi u lill-komunitajiet tagħhom. L-iskop huwa li titjieb l-esperjenza ta’ dawk li jużaw is-servizzi biex is-sezzjoni vulnerabbli tal-komunità tagħna tiġi offruta opportunitajiet ta’ ħajja aħjar.
MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry |
MQF Level: 7 |
Duration: PT 5 Semesters |
Entry requirements: A MQF Level 6 first degree in Social Care, Social Sciences, Humanities or A relevant accredited degree programme |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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