Institute of Community Services |
Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sport, Exercise and Health |
Course Code: CS6-02-21 |
ECTS: 180 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Includes Work Placement |
This programme of studies covers modules that prepare the learners to work alongside medical and healthcare professionals in promoting physical activity and exercise, and are mapped to the rigorous standards upheld by various accrediting bodies in the field. The ultimate aim will be to improve the general health of the individual and of society as a whole. Throughout the three years, this course provides opportunities for learners to experience hands-on engagement in exercise, health and fitness programmes, conferences and events on and off campus. The learners will develop the knowledge and skills required to assist clients and patients in their various health challenges, noncommunicable diseases, health conditions, injuries or disabilities. Furthermore the degree programme also aims to facilitate the pursuit of a number of distinctive sport or Master’s (Level 7) programmes. |
Dan il-programm jkopri moduli li jippreparaw lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu flimkien ma’ professjonisti mediċi u tal-kura tas-saħħa fil-promozzjoni tal-attività fiżika u l-eżerċizzju, u huma mfassla mal-istandards rigorużi mħarsa minn diversi korpi ta’ akkreditazzjoni fil-qasam. L-għan aħħari se jkun li jitjieb il-livell ġenerali, is-saħħa tal-individwu u tassoċjetà kollha kemm hi.Tul it-tliet snin, dan il-kors jipprovdi opportunitajiet għall-istudenti biex jesperjenzaw involviment prattiku fi programmi ta’ eżerċizzju, saħħa u fitness, konferenzi u avvenimenti ġewwa u barra l-kampus. L-istudenti se jiżviluppaw l-għarfien u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex jassistu lill-klijenti u l-pazjenti fid-diversi sfidi tas-saħħa tagħhom, mard li ma jitteħidx, kundizzjonijiet tas-saħħa, korrimenti jew diżabilitajiet.Barra minn hekk, il-programm għandu l-għan ukoll jgħin biex l-istudent jkompli diversi sports jew programmi ta Masters (Livell 7). |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: Any MCAST MQF Level 4 Certificate or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Level or I-Level: Physics or Chemistry or Biology or Physical Education and Compulsory: SEC/O-Level pass in English Language |
Other entry requirements: Medical clearance is required. |
Career opportunities: Personal Trainer, Professional in Exercise for Health, Specialist Trainer, Sports Activity Manager, Functional Sports Trainer, Sports Coach, Sports Activity Organiser, Sports Activity Leader |
Programme details: |
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