Institute of Community Services

Course Title: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Management
Course Code: CS6-01-23


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
The Social Care sector provides a number of professional career opportunities for successful learners to find engaging and rewarding employment at the end of this programme of studies. Throughout the duration of the three-year course, undergraduates are given the opportunity to participate in work placement experiences in related settings, once every year, to observe and learn different care practices and management styles. This programme of studies includes varied modules aimed at enhancing the undergraduates’ knowledge in different social fields as well as skills and competencies in administration and management. Study units include Family Studies, Gender and Sexual diversity, European and Social Policy, Financial aspects and Quality assurance, and different units related to Management
Is-settur tas-Saħħa u l-Kura Soċjali jipprovdi għadd ta’ opportunitajiet ta’ karriera biex l-istudenti li jtemmu dan il-kors b’suċċess isibu impjieg motivanti u ta’ sodisfazzjon fi tmiem dan il-programm ta’ studji. Matul il-kors ta’ tliet snin, l-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità li jipparteċipaw f’esperjenzi ta’ work placement f’ambjenti relatati, darba kull sena, biex josservaw u jitgħallmu prattiċi ta’ kura u stili ta’ differenti. Dan il-programm ta’ studji jinkludi moduli varjati mmirati biex itejbu l-għarfien f’oqsma soċjali differenti kif ukoll ħiliet u kompetenzi fl-amministrazzjoni u l-maniġment. Taqsimiet ta’ studju jinkludu Studji tal-Familja, id-diversità tas-Sessi u dawk sesswali, Politika Ewropea u Soċjali, Aspetti Finanzjarji u Assigurazzjoni tal-Kwalità, u unitajiet differenti relatati malManiġment.
MQF Level: 6
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Health and Social Care
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Applied Science
MCAST Advanced Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory: SEC/O-Level Pass in English Language
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Administrative and/or Managerial positions within the Social Care sector, Social Welfare Professional
Programme details: