Institute of Community Services |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Hairdressing |
Course Code: CS4-A5-21 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This programme of studies provides greater insight on advanced hairdressing techniques and better understanding of the requirements when working as a salon owner/manager. This course is aimed at learners who have obtained certification in the basic skills of hairdressing and want to proceed to more advanced techniques ranging from consulting to colouring, advanced cutting and styling. This course equips learners with the knowledge and skills to provide a holistic hair service to clients. Learners are given ample opportunity to practice through hands-on practical sessions and professional salon experience. As part of the course, the learners are expected to practice hairdressing services within the inhouse salon at the Institute of Community Services. The course also equips learners with competences required to manage a professional hairdressing salon including knowledge in areas such as human resources management, legislative measures, basic accounting and marketing concepts. The MCAST Advanced Diploma in Hairdressing also covers men’s haircutting and barbering. Learners are required to purchase the necessary hairdressing accessories at the beginning of the academic year. |
Dan il-kors jipprovdi għarfien akbar dwar il-linja tal-hairdressing f’livell professjonali u jgħin lill-istudenti jifhmu aħjar ir-rekwiżiti biex persuna taħdem fil-qasam tal-hairdressing bħala sid ta’ salon. Il-kors huwa mmirat għal studenti li jkunu kisbu ċ-ċertifikati filħiliet bażiċi tal-hairdressing u jixtiequ jkomplu jistudjaw tekniki aktar avvanzati bħal konsultazzjoni mal-klijenti, il-qtugħ, iż-żebgħa u l-issettjar tax-xagħar. Dan il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti t-tagħrif u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex ikunu kapaċi jipprovdu servizz komplut lillklijenti. Huma jingħataw ħafna opportunitajiet biex jipprattikaw kemm waqt sessjonijiet ta’ prattika kif ukoll permezz ta’ esperjenzi f’salons professjonali. Il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti l-kompetenzi meħtieġa biex imexxu salon tax-xagħar b’mod professjonali, inkluż għarfien f’oqsma bħat-tmexxija tar-riżorsi umani, il-legiżlazzjoni fil-qasam, bażi taż-żamma tal-accounts u kunċetti tar-reklamar. Il-programm tal-MCAST Advanced Diploma in Hairdressing jittratta wkoll il-qtugħ tax-xagħar tal-irġiel u s-sengħa tal-barbiera. L-istudenti mitluba li jixtru l-aċċessorji tax-xagħar fil=bidu tas-sena skolastika. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 2 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma in Hairdressing (Women) or City and Guilds (UK) Hairdressing – Level 2 |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Hair Salon manager, Hair Stylist |
Programme details: |
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