Gozo Campus |
Course Title: Diploma in Hairdressing – Women |
Course Code: CS3-A2-23G |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This programme of studies leads to a career in the hairdressing industry. This course allows learners to acquire skills which are relevant to succeed and be competitive in the hairdressing industry. Learners cover a variety of study units such as client consultation, hair cutting and styling for different occasions, hair colouring, perming and straightening. The course includes experience in the college’s salon as well as placements in industry as part of the Apprenticeship scheme. Learners will also further their skills and competencies. Learners are required to purchase the necessary hairdressing accessories at the beginning of the academic year. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studji jwassal għal karriera fl-industrija tal-hairdressing. Dan il-kors jippermetti lill-istudenti jiksbu ħiliet li huma rilevanti biex jirnexxu u jkunu kompetittivi fl-industrija tal-parrukkiera. L-istudenti jkopru varjetà ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju bħal konsultazzjoni mal-klijenti, qtugħ tax-xagħar u grafika għal-okkażjonijiet differenti, kulur tax-xagħar, perming u drittar. Dan jinkludi esperjenza fis-salon fl-Istitut tas-Servizzi talKomunità kif ukoll placement fl-industrija bħala parti mill-iskema tal-Apprendistat. L-istudenti se jsaħħu wkoll il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi tagħhom. L-istudenti huma meħtieġa jixtru l-aċċessorji meħtieġa għall-parrukkiera fil-bidu tas-sena akkademika. |
MQF Level: 3 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate or 2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Assistant hair stylist for women, Sales representative for hair products |
Programme details: |
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