Gozo Campus |
Course Title: Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing, Beauty and Well-Being |
Course Code: CS2-02-21G |
Course details |
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This programme provides an overview of hair and beauty practices in preparation for a career in the industry. The modules on offer provide learners with basic knowledge in health and safety practices used in hairdressing and beauty salons. Other modules focus on an understanding of the basic scientific concepts related to all hair and beauty services and treatments, while introducing the learners to basic business concepts. The course also provides learners with real-life scenarios which will enable them to progress to further studies in hairdressing and beauty programmes.Learners are required to purchase the necessary hairdressing and beauty accessories at the beginning of the academic year. |
Dan il-programm jipprovdi ħarsa ġenerali lejn il-prattika tax-xagħar u tas-sbuħija bi tħejjija għal karriera fl-industrija. Il-moduli jipprovdu lill-istudenti b’għarfien bażiku filprattika tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà użati fis-settur tal-parrukkiera u tas-sbuħija. Moduli oħra jiffokaw fuq kunċetti xjentifiċi bażiċi relatati mas-servizzi u t-trattamenti kollha taxxagħar u tas-sbuħija, filwaqt li jintroduċu lill-istudenti għall-kunċetti bażiċi fin-negozju. Il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti b’xenarji tal-ħajja reali li jippermettulhom jimxu lejn aktar studji aktar avvazati f’dan is-settur. L-istudenti mitluba li jixtru l-aċċessorji meħtieġa tax-xagħar u tas-sbuħija fil-bidu tas-sena akkademika. |
MQF Level: 2 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Introductory Certificate or Finished Compulsory Education Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable) |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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