Gozo Campus

Course Title: Foundation Certificate in Community Care Services
Course Code: CS2-01-23G


Course details

Mode: –
This programme of studies is aimed at those individuals who wish to embark on a future career in the Social Care or Early Years sector. During the year the learners will have a variety of lectures which will give them an understanding of basic concepts related to these sectors. Lectures will focus on human behaviour and development and what constitutes a safe working environment. Learners will also be given the opportunity to strengthen their key skills and become acquainted with organisations in the sector.
Dan il-programm ta’ studji huwa mmirat għal dawk l-individwi li jixtiequ jibdew karriera fis-settur tal-Kura Soċjali jew tas-Snin Bikrin. Matul is-sena l-istudenti se jkollhom varjetà ta’ lekċers li jagħtuhom dwar il-kunċetti bażiċi relatati ma’ dawn is-setturi. Il-lekċers se jiffokaw fuq l-imġiba u l-iżvilupp tal-bniedem u x’jikkostitwixxi ambjent tax-xogħol sikur. L-istudenti se jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li jsaħħu l-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom u jsiru familjari ma’ organizzazzjonijiet fis-settur.
MQF Level: 2
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Introductory Certificate
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: –
Programme details: