Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering
Course Code: CE6-A2-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This degree course gives the learners opportunities to explore management skills and technical knowledge associated with the diverse and challenging tasks that are in continuous change with the introduction of new materials to meet zero energy building requirements and various integrated design concepts including precast techniques. In addition, the programme trains the learner in the necessary design and evaluation techniques to be able to make professional judgements on technical, social and ethical issues during the planning and execution of construction projects. By the end of the programme, the learner will be able to work independently, with a significant amount of research and self-directed learning, both within and outside the Institute environment.
Dan il-kors li jwassal għal baċellerat jipprovdi lill-istudenti opportunitajiet biex jesploraw ħiliet ta’ ġestjoni u għarfien tekniku, assoċjati mal-kompiti diversi u impenjattivi li qed jinbidlu b’mod kontinwu bl-introduzzjoni ta’ materjali ġodda biex jissodisfaw rekwiżiti ta’ bini mingħajr konsum tal-enerġija u diversi kunċetti integrati tad-disinn, inklużi tekniki ta’ prefabbrikazzjoni. Barra minn hekk, il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti t-taħriġ fit-tekniki neċessarji ta’ disinn u ta’ evalwazzjoni, sabiex ikunu kapaċi jagħmlu ġudizzji professjonali dwar kwistjonijiet teknoloġiċi, soċjali u etiċi matul l-ippjanar u t-twettiq ta’ proġetti tal-kostruzzjoni. Fi tmiem il-programm, l-istudent ikun jista’ jaħdem b’mod indipendenti billi jwettaq ammont sinifikanti ta’ riċerka u studju għal rasu, kemm fl-ambjent tal-Istitut kif ukoll barra minnu.
MQF Level: 6
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Building Services Engineering
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Diploma in Foundations of Engineering
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure or Applied)
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Construction engineering designer, Construction engineering design manager, Construction site manager, Quality assurance manager, Estate and facilities manager, Site technical officer
Programme details: