Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering
with specialisation options in:
– Civil Engineering,
– Land Surveying,
– Quantity Surveying,
– Construction Engineering
Course Code: CE4-A6-23


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This course comprises both College-based training and work-based learning. It gives an in-depth knowledge and experience of the general requirements and specialist areas related to the field of building and construction. At the end of the first year, learners can choose one of four streams that include: Construction Design, Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying, and Civil and Road Engineering. Learners will be able to carry out duties at a professional and technical level in areas such as building, construction, civil and roads engineering. They will be able to carry out tasks related to Design, Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying, Geospatial Engineering, Geographical Information, and Roads and Project Management. This course includes work-related training and practice.
Dan il-kors jinkludi kemm taħriġ li jsir fil-Kulleġġ kif ukoll tagħlim fil-post tax-xogħol. Dan jipprovdi lill-istudenti għarfien profond u esperjenza tar-rekwiżiti ġenerali u l-oqsma speċjalizzati relatati mal-qasam tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni. Fi tmiem l-ewwel sena, l-istudenti jistgħu jagħżlu wieħed minn erba’ setturi li jinkludu: id-Disinn tal-Kostruzzjoni, l-Istħarriġ tal-Kwantità, l-Istħarriġ tal-Art, u l-Inġinerija Ċivili u tat-Toroq. L-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jwettqu, f’livell professjonali u tekniku, xogħol li huwa kontinwament meħtieġ f’oqsma tal-inġinerija tal-bini, tal-kostruzzjoni, u tal-inġinerija ċivili u dik tat-toroq. Huma jkunu jistgħu jwettqu dmirijiet relatati mad-Disinn, l-Istħarriġ tal-Kwantità, l-Istħarriġ tal-Art, l-Inġinerija Ġeospazjali, l-Informazzjoni Ġeografika, u l-Ġestjoni tat-Toroq u ta’ Proġetti. Dan il-kors jinkludi taħriġ u prattika relatati mas-settur.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MQF Level 3 (minimum 60 ECTS) Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Draughtsperson, Tendering and estimating technician (Assistant quantity surveyor), Land surveyor, Assistant project manager, Services design manager, Construction site supervisor, Quality assurance supervisor, Estate and facilities supervisor
Programme details: