
Course Title: Master in Conservation
Course Code: CA7-12-23


Course details

Mode: Blended
This part-time postgraduate course in conservation-restoration studies provides a former graduate in conservation-restoration studies with the opportunity to obtain specialist knowledge, skills and competences in conservation-restoration in a particular area of studies on offer. While the programme offers some units which are common to all participants, other units focus on a specific area. During the five semesters, which include practice-led projects of the complexity commensurate to such a level of professional formation, the learner will complete formal education in conservation-restoration according to national and international standards. Moreover, through the dissertation project of choice the learner will engage in specialist research that contributes to the sector in a particular area of conservation-restoration. For this reason, the specialisation selected at this level shall be related to that selected at undergraduate level.

Fees apply – Further information through MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry)
Unless otherwise indicated through the respective Programme Specifications, as well as the MCAST Exit Policy document,
* A Postgraduate Certificate is achieved at 30 Credits
* A Postgraduate Diploma is achieved at 60 Credits
Students are invited to consult the MCAST Exit Strategy, for the procedure to follow when requesting Exit Point certification.

A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants.

Dan il-kors postgraduate part-time fl-istudji tal-konservazzjoni-restawr jipprovdi opportunità biex l-istudent jikseb l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi speċjalizzati filkonservazzjoni-restawr f’qasam partikolari ta’ studji offruti. Filwaqt li l-programm joffri xi unitajiet li huma komuni għall-parteċipanti kollha, unitajiet oħra jiffokaw fuq qasam speċifiku. Matul il-ħames semestri, li jinkludu proġetti ta’ prattika b’kumplessità addatta għal-livell ta’ formazzjoni professjonali, l-istudent se jlesti edukazzjoni formali fil-konservazzjoni-restawr skont standards nazzjonali u internazzjonali. Barra minn hekk, permezz tal-proġett tal-għażla l-istudent se jagħmel riċerka speċjalizzata li tikkontribwixxi għas-settur f’qasam partikolari ta’ konservazzjoni-restawr. Għal din ir-raġuni, l-ispeċjalizzazzjoni magħżula f’dan il-livell għandha tkun relatata ma’ dik magħżula fil-livell ta’ baċellarat.

MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry

MQF Level: 7
Duration: PT 5 Semesters
Entry requirements: MCAST Bachelor in Conservation (Honours)
a comparable first degree (MQF Level 6 at 180 ECTS or more) awarded by a recognised Institution.
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Conservator-restorer in the heritage sector following a warranting process
Programme details: