Institute for the Creative Arts

Course Title: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design
Course Code: CA6-07-21


Course details

Mode: Live Cases
This degree programme prepares learners to work in the creative design of furniture and industrial products. Learners learn how to respond to complex design briefs by investigating different cultural, social and economic contexts and the development of design products. They will take individual responsibility to research and effectively communicate their creative ideas using visual communication and CAD software to present technical and creative renders of effective product designs. Guided lectures will provide learners with knowledge on fundamental topics such as sustainability, environmental studies, functional design, traditional 3D production and innovative technologies, also supported with the necessary skills to transform their designs into physical prototypes within industry-based scenarios.
Dan il-programm fil-livell ta’ baċellerat iħejji lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu fid-disinn kreattiv ta’ għamara u prodotti industrijali. L-istudenti jitgħallmu kif iwieġbu għal design briefs kumplessi billi jinvestigaw kuntesti kulturali, soċjali u ekonomiċi differenti u l-iżvilupp ta’ prodotti tad-disinn. Huma jieħdu responsabbiltà individwali biex jirriċerkaw u jikkomunikaw b’mod effettiv l-ideat kreattivi tagħhom permezz tal-komunikazzjoni viżiva u s-softwer CAD biex jippreżentaw disinji ta’ prodotti kreattivi li jkunu skont it-teknika. Waqt il-lezzjonijiet l-istudenti jkunu ggwidati jiksbu għarfien dwar suġġetti fundamentali bħas-sostenibbiltà, l-istudji ambjentali, id-disinn funzjonali, u t-teknoloġiji tal-produzzjoni, kemm dawk tridimensjonali tradizzjonali kif ukoll oħrajn innovattivi. Bl-għajnuna tal-ħiliet neċessarji, l-istudenti jitgħallmu jibdlu d-disinji tagħhom fi prototipi kif jiġri fl-industrija.
MQF Level: 6
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Art and Design
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art or Graphical Communication or Engineering Drawing or Physics

Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present their Portfolio.
Career opportunities: Industrial product designer, Furniture designer, Prop designer for stage or set
Programme details: