Institute for the Creative Arts |
Course Title: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design |
Course Code: CA6-04-22 |
ECTS: 180 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Live Cases |
Communicating messages successfully via graphic design requires a high level of understanding of the visual art of representation. This highly contextualised programme draws on contemporary design practice, together with theoretical and historical cultural material. The degree will equip learners with the knowledge to explore and challenge creative boundaries, through real-life design scenarios. They will hone their skills in fundamental design principles such as layout, form, typography, iconography and colour. Learners will analyse a wide range of professional design problems, and find creative and innovative solutions using various media. The main aim of the course is to focus on design as a means for communicating meaningful messages, gathering content, organising information, creating and presenting narratives and experiences, while always looking ahead to affect change. |
Il-komunikazzjoni ta’ messaġġi b’suċċess permezz ta’ disinn grafiku teħtieġ livell għoli ta’ fehim tal-arti viżiva tar-rappreżentazzjoni. Dan il-programm kuntestwali ħafna juża prattika tad-disinn kontemporanju, flimkien ma’ materjal kulturali teoretiku u storiku. Il-grad se jgħammar lill-istudenti bl-għarfien biex jesploraw u jisfidaw il-konfini kreattivi, permezz ta’ xenarji ta’ disinn tal-ħajja reali. Huma se jsaħħu l-ħiliet tagħhom fil-prinċipji fundamentali tad-disinn bħat-tqassim, il-forma, it-tipografija, l-ikonografija u l-kulur. L-istudenti se janalizzaw firxa wiesgħa ta’ problemi ta’ disinn professjonali, u jsibu soluzzjonijiet kreattivi u innovattivi billi jużaw diversi mezzi. L-għan ewlieni tal-kors huwa li jiffoka fuq id-disinn bħala mezz għall-komunikazzjoni ta’ messaġġi sinifikanti, il-ġbir ta’ kontenut, l-organizzazzjoni tal-informazzjoni, il-ħolqien u l-preżentazzjoni ta’ narrattivi u esperjenzi, filwaqt li dejjem tħares ‘il quddiem biex taffettwa l-bidla. |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Digital Design or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Graphic Printing or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Art and Design or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Photography or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Creative Media Production or Advanced Diploma in Video Production or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Level: Art or Graphical Communication |
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present their Portfolio. |
Career opportunities: Graphic designer, Motion graphics designer, Web Designer |
Programme details: |
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