Institute for the Creative Arts

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Video Production
Course Code: CA4-06-23


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
This programme is designed for prospective students that wish to gain theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills and competences in the video production industry. The course, which focuses on hands-on learning, provides the learner with a solid foundation in audiovisual production, including the underlying concepts through practice. The student will also undertake a placement in industry to strengthen their competences in a working environment. Upon successful completion of the course, one can continue studies at degree level or enter the industry with a range of abilities to function in a modern and competitive industry.
Dan il-programm huwa mfassal għal studenti li jixtiequ jiksbu għarfien teoretiku kif ukoll ħiliet u kompetenzi prattiċi fl-industrija tal-produzzjoni tal-vidjow. Il-kors, li jiffoka fuq tagħlim prattiku, jipprovdi lill-istudent b’pedament sod fil-produzzjoni awdjoviżiva, inklużi l-kunċetti sottostanti permezz tal-prattika. Dan jinkludi wkoll prattika fl-industrija biex
jissaħħu l-kompetenzi f’ambjent tax-xogħol. Wieħed jista’ jkompli l-istudji fil-livell sitta jew jidħol fl-industrija fejn hemm bżonn ta’ diversi ħiliet f’suq kompetittiv
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma in Art and Design
MCAST Diploma in Media
Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma whilst being in possession of the compulsory subject as indicated hereunder **
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Art or English Language or Music or Media Literacy Education*
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes together with Media Literacy (at Level 2) or Portfolio (to be evaluated with possible interview)

*As from 2025/2026 Art or English Language or Music will no longer be required as compulsory
**As from 2025/2026 internal progression will be limited to MCAST Diploma in Art and Design and MCAST Diploma in Media

Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present a Portfolio.

**As from 2025/2026 internal progression will be limited to MCAST Diploma in Art and Design and MCAST Diploma in Media

Career opportunities: Camera person, Video editor, Audio assistant, Production assistant, Production runner
Programme details: