Institute for the Creative Arts |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Performing Arts |
Course Code: CA4-03-22 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Includes Work Placement |
This two-year programme is an opportunity to develop an advanced understanding of the Performing Arts industry, its structures and practices. In the first year, students will develop a fundamental understanding of the performance, design, technical, and management aspects of the industry. Training in these areas will be supported by learning, enabling students to contextualise past and present practices in the Performing Arts. They will also engage with well-being practices for a holistic preparation to more advanced learning and work in a complex industry. Following the successful progression from their first year, students have the opportunity to advance their training in four specific areas within the performance, design, technical and management domains. Students will also develop entrepreneurial skills, and be given a work-based learning opportunity within a related private or public entity. They will also learn basic skills for performing in front of a camera. Ultimately, students will be able to apply all their skills in the production and presentation of a performance. At the end of this course, students will be geared to pursue a variety of work opportunities in the industry, or to further their studies in undergraduate Performing Arts programmes. |
Dan il-programm ta’ sentejn huwa opportunità biex jiġu żviluppati ħiliet avvanzati flindustrija tal-Arti tal-Ispettaklu, l-istrutturi u l-prattiċi tagħha. Fl-ewwel sena, l-istudenti se jiżviluppaw ħiliet fundamentali tal-prestazzjoni, id-disinn, l-aspetti tekniċi u maniġment tal-industrija. It-taħriġ f’dawn l-oqsma u t-tagħlim, jippermetti lill-istudenti jikkontestwalizzaw il-prattiki tal-passat u tal-preżent fl-Arti Performattiva. Se jimpenjaw ruħhom ukoll bi prattiki tal-benessri għal tħejjija ħolistika għal tagħlim aktar avvanzat u jaħdmu f’industrija kumplessa. Wara suċċess fl-ewwel sena tagħhom, l-istudenti għandhom l-opportunità li javvanzaw it-taħriġ tagħhom f’erba’ oqsma speċifiċi fi ħdan l-oqsma tal-performance, tad-disinn, tekniċi u tal-maniġment. L-istudenti se jiżviluppaw ukoll ħiliet intraprenditorjali, u jingħataw opportunità ta’ tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol fi ħdan entità privata jew pubblika relatata. Huma se jitgħallmu wkoll ħiliet bażiċi għal quddiem kamera. Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu japplikaw il-ħiliet kollha tagħhom fil-produzzjoniet. L-istudenti ser ikunu mħeġġa li isegwu varjetà ta’ opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol fl-industrija, jew biex ikomplu bl-istudji tagħhom fi programmi tal-Arti Performattiva. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 2 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or an Audition. |
Career opportunities: Assistant performing arts/events/stage/logistics manager, Assistant designer (props, costumes), Technical assistant (light/sound design), Performer (acting, dance, music) |
Programme details: |
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