Institute for the Creative Arts |
Course Title: Foundation Certificate in the Creative Arts |
Course Code: CA2-01-22 |
Course details |
Mode: – |
This course provides an opportunity to students, in possession of the School Leaving Certificate and Profile (SSC&P) or MCAST Introductory Certificate, to follow a structured programme of study that explores the basics of various creative art disciplines, namely Art and Design, Media and Performing Arts. The programme includes a significant amount of vocational practice, as well as essential key skills subjects that will help students form a clear idea of the nature of the vocation they intend to follow at higher levels while, at the same time, nurturing their competences within basic areas such as language, numeracy, information technology, science and personal development. |
Dan il-kors jipprovdi opportunità lill-istudenti, fil-pussess taċ-Ċertifikat u l-Profil tatTlugħ tal-Iskola (SSC&P) jew iċ-Ċertifikat Introduttorju tal-MCAST, biex isegwu programm ta’ studju strutturat li jesplora l-baŜi ta’ diversi dixxiplini tal-arti kreattiva, jiġifieri l-Arti u d-Disinn, il-Midja u l-Performing. Arti. Il-programm jinkludi ammont sinifikanti ta’ prattika vokazzjonali, kif ukoll suġġetti essenzjali ta’ ħiliet ewlenin li se jgħinu lill-istudenti jiffurmaw idea ċara tan-natura tal-vokazzjoni li bi ħsiebhom isegwu f’livelli ogħla filwaqt li, fl-istess ħin, irawmu l-kompetenzi tagħhom fi ħdan oqsma bħall-lingwa, in-numri, itteknoloġija tal-informatika, ix-xjenza u l-iżvilupp personali |
MQF Level: 2 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Introductory Certificate or Finished Compulsory Education Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable) |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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