Institute of Business Management and Commerce |
Course Title: ACCA Qualification |
Course Code: BC7-01-21 |
ECTS: 202 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: May include the possibility of Work-based Learning |
The ACCA Qualification is a world leading accountancy qualification which prepares students to become internationally recognised Chartered Certified Accountants.It is a rewarding and intense course with 13 examinations, three years professional experience and an ethics module. The ACCA Qualification encompasses valuable skills and knowledge which are highly sought after by employers in industry and in the financial sector. The ACCA Qualification is equivalent to degree standard (MQF Level 6) after completing the first nine papers (the Fundamentals level). After passing from the remaining 4 papers (the Professionals level), it is equivalent to a masters degree (MQF Level 7). Learners incur fees payable to ACCA, for any membership and examinations, and MIA (Malta Institute of Accountants) membership. In Malta, the ACCA qualification is run as a joint scheme between ACCA and the Malta Please note the following: ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is an internationally recognised professional accounting qualification. It is suitable for a wide variety of accounting roles in both the public and private sectors. The ACCA Qualification is a three-part journey to ACCA membership, consisting of 13 professional exams, an Ethics and Professional Skills module, and the Practical Experience Requirement. The professional exams are the cornerstone of the qualification and are divided into three sections – Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills, and Professional skills. The Knowledge section covers fundamental accounting topics, such as financial reporting and auditing. The Skills section covers other areas such as taxation, performance management, financial management, and more. The Strategic Professional exams prepare students for future leadership positions. The Ethics and Professional Skills module is designed to ensure ACCA members have a strong ethical compass and are able to exercise professional judgment in their everyday practice. Finally, the Practical Experience Requirement ensures that ACCA members are able to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. This requirement involves a minimum of three years of supervised professional experience and achieving 9 performance objectives. Overall, the ACCA Qualification is designed to ensure that members are equipped with the knowledge, skill, and ethical experience to work as professional accountants. The ACCA website provides comprehensive information on the qualifications provided, the examination progression rules, study materials, entry requirements, exemptions, and the ethics module. It also contains useful resources such as study guides and past examination papers. |
L-ACCA hija kwalifika fl-accountancy li hija meqjusa bħala kwalifika ewlenija mad-dinja kollha, u li tipprepara lill-istudenti biex isiru Chartered Certified Accountants rikonoxxuti internazzjonalment. Dan huwa kors intens imma li jagħti ħafna sodisfazzjon, u li jikkonsisti fi 13-il eżami, tliet snin esperjenza professjonali u modulu dedikat għall-etika. Il-kwalifika tal-ACCA tiġbor fiha ħiliet ta’ siwi kbir u għarfien li huma mfittxija ferm minn min iħaddem fl-industrija u fis-settur finanzjarju. Kandidat li jgħaddi mill-ewwel disa’ eżamijiet (il-livell Fundamentali) ikun kiseb kwalifika li hija ekwivalenti għal baċellerat (Livell 6 tal-QMK). Meta jgħaddi mill-erba’ eżamijiet li jifdal (il-Livell Professjonali), huwa jitqies li jkollu kwalifika ekwivalenti għal master (Livell 7 tal-QMK). L-istudenti jkunu meħtieġa jħallsu l-miżati għas-sħubija u l-eżamijiet lill-ACCA, u l-miżata tas-sħubija lillMIA (l-Istitut Malti tal-Accountants). |
MQF Level: 6/7 |
Duration: 4 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Accounting or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Administrative and Secretarial Studies or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Business Administration or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Finance and Insurance or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Financial Services or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Levels or I-Level or O-Level: Mathematics and English Language Preferred A-Level or SEC/O-Level: Economics, Accounts |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Accountant Financial Controller Financial Analyst Business analyst Corporate Finance Specialist Project Finance Accountant |
Programme details: |
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