Gozo Campus |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Finance and Insurance |
Course Code: BC4-A2-21G |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This course is aimed at people who would like to venture in one of the many careers related to financial services. The first year of studies introduces learners to generic areas of financial services including the world of insurance. In the second year of studies, learners will then choose an area of specialisation. Specialisation can be either in financial services or else in insurance. This approach ensures that any learner following this course is exposed to different areas of the financial services world, thus giving them better flexibility in career prospects. Learners choosing the main area of expertise will be very strong in the specific area chosen, while having a good understanding of the other area.
Dan il-kors huwa mmirat għal studenti prospettivi li qegħdin jaspiraw għal karriera fid-dinja tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji. L-ewwel sena tal-kors hija maħsuba biex tintroduċi lillistudenti għas-setturi differenti tal-industrija tas-servizzi finanzjarji, inkluż l-assigurazzjoni. Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, l-istudenti jagħżlu li jispeċjalizzaw jew fil-qasam tas-servizzi finanzjarji u bankarji jew inkella fl-istudji tal-assigurazzjoni. B’dan il-mod, fl-ewwel sena l-istudenti jieħdu bażi soda tal-aspetti u l-oqsma kollha tas-servizzi finanzjarji u għaldaqstant ikollhom aktar flessibbiltà mil-lat ta’ impjiegi. Permezz tal-għażla ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni fit-tieni sena, l-istudenti jieħdu għarfien aktar fil-fond fis-settur talgħażla tagħhom filwaqt li jkollhom għarfien adegwat fis-setturi l-ieħor.
NOTA: Studenti ta’ dan il-kors li jattendu l-Kampus ta’ Għawdex, ikunu jistgħu biss isegwu l-ispeċjaliżazzjoni ta-Servizzi Finanzjarji fit-tieni sena tal-kors. L-istudenti li jagħżlu li jispeċjalizzaw fl-Assigurazzjoni jkunu meħtieġa jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom fil-Kampus Ewlieni tal-MCAST f’Raħal Ġdid. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 2 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Within the Insurance Industry: Account Handler Claims Handler Insurance Claims Surveyor Insurance Clerk Within the Financial Services Industry: Bank Cashier Clerical and other Officer roles within Banks and other Financial Services Institutions |
Programme details: |
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