Gozo Campus |
Course Title: Diploma in Business |
Course Code: BC3-01-21G |
Course details |
Mode: May include the possibility of Work-based Learning |
This programme is aimed at preparing learners to further their studies in different areas of business. It is a preparatory course for those wishing to further their studies at MCAST on to MQF Level 4. The course aims to allow learners to improve in the areas of written and spoken English and Maltese as well as in their Mathematical and IT skills. The course however also goes into more detail, while starting from the very basics of different business areas and functions such as Accounts, Human Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, and others. This generic background allows the students to bring their academic level up to scratch, while acquiring enough knowledge about the different business areas to be able to progress onto further studies. |
Dan il-programm huwa mmirat lejn it-tħejjija ta’ studenti biex ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom f’oqsma differenti tan-negozju. Huwa kors preparatorju biex wieħed ikompli l-istudji tiegħu fl-MCAST sal-Livell 4 tal-MQF. Il-kors għandu l-għan li jgħin lill-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet tagħhom fl-oqsma tal-kitba u t-taħdit bl-Ingliż u bil-Malti, kif ukoll il-ħiliet tagħhom fil-Matematika u l-IT. Madankollu, il-kors jidħol ukoll f’ħafna aktar dettall, filwaqt li jibda mill-kunċetti verament bażiċi ta’ oqsma u funzjonijiet differenti tan-negozju bħall-Accounts, ir-Riżorsi Umani, il-Marketing, ix-Xiri u oħrajn. Dan l-isfond ġeneriku jippermetti lill-istudenti jtejbu l-livell akkademiku tagħhom sa standard aċċettabbli, filwaqt li jiksbu biżżejjed għarfien dwar l-oqsma differenti tan-negozju sabiex ikunu jistgħu jkomplu jistudjaw f’livell aktar avvanzat. |
MQF Level: 3 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate or 2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Clerical Assistant Shop Cashier |
Programme details: |
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