Institute of Applied Sciences |
Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Fisheries and Aquaculture |
Course Code: AG6-03-22 |
ECTS: 180 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Internship |
This programme of study provides learners with a very thorough understanding of aquaculture and fisheries sciences and includes a wide range of aspects that will provide a better understanding of these sectors. The study units revolve around the aquaculture and fisheries sciences to provide a thorough understanding of the production and management of aquaculture facilities, and the highly complex field of fisheries. This programme of study is intended for those who want to delve deeper into the fish management sciences and who want to start a career in this sector. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studju jipprovdi lill-istudenti għarfien dettaljat tax-xjenzi talakkwakultura u s-sajd u jinkludi firxa wiesgħa ta’ aspetti li jgħinuhom jifhmu aħjar dawn is-setturi. L-unitajiet ta’ studju jduru madwar ix-xjenzi tal-akkwakultura u s-sajd u jirrigwardaw il-produzzjoni u l-ġestjoni ta’ faċilitajiet tal-akkwakultura, biex l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jifhmu aħjar il-qasam ferm kumpless tas-sajd. Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa maħsub għal dawk li jixtiequ jidħlu aktar fil-fond fix-xjenzi tal-ġestjoni tas-sajd u li għaldaqstant jixtiequ jibdew karriera f’dan is-sett |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Fish Management or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Horticulture or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Fisheries inspector, Fish farm manager, Aquarist, Fish enterprise manager, EU/National regulatory control manager |
Programme details: |
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