Institute of Applied Sciences |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing |
AG6-01-22 |
180 ECTS |
Course details |
Internship |
This bachelor’s degree aims at providing learners with the opportunity to specialise in a main area of study with the aim of seeking employment at management level or similar. This may relate to animal welfare, production, education, veterinary services, research and development, and regulatory services both locally and internationally. The programme of study offers the required knowledge, skills and competences related to animal health and nutrition, welfare, ecology, philosophy, ethics and law. Learners will also undertake a research project whereby they will be expected to select a topic for investigation following an established methodology. |
Dan il-kors, li jwassal għal baċellerat, għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jispeċjalizzaw f’qasam ta’ studji prinċipali, bl-għan li jsibu impjieg f’livell maniġerjali jew simili. Dan jista’ jkun jirrigwarda l-benesseri tal-annimali, il-produzzjoni, l-edukazzjoni, is-servizzi veterinarji, ir-riċerka u l-iżvilupp, u s-servizzi regolatorji, kemm lokalment kif ukoll internazzjonalment. Il-programm ta’ studju joffri l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa relatati mas-saħħa u n-nutrizzjoni tal-annimali, il-benesseri, l-ekoloġija, il-filosofija, l-etika u l-liġi. L-istudenti jwettqu wkoll proġett ta’ riċerka li għalih ikunu mistennija jagħżlu suġġett biex jinvestigawh billi jsegwu metodoloġija stabbilita. |
MQF Level 6 |
3 Years Full-time Mode Internship |
Entry Requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Fish Management or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Horticulture or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes |
Career Pathways: Animal clinic manager, Animal welfare officer, Farm manager, Nutritional adviser
Course Outline |