Institute of Applied Sciences

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Horticulture
Course Code: AG4-03-22


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
This programme of study provides learners with an understanding of the horticultural industry including crop management of a wide range of crops, an introduction to garden design, floristry, pest and nutrient management, and studies in rural development and agricultural policies. The programme of study offers a wide perspective on the latest technologies used in the agricultural sector as well as its interconnectivity with entrepreneurship and business and the hospitality sector in relation to garden design and agri- and ecotourism. Learners will be encouraged to relate theory to practice at all stages of learning through assignments, projects and practical work. Scheduled practical crop husbandry duties form an integral part of the curriculum.
Dan il-programm ta’ studju jipprovdi lill-istudenti fehim dwar l-industrija tal-ortikultura, inkluż il-ġestjoni ta’ firxa wiesgħa ta’ għelejjel, id-disinn tal-ġonna (introduzzjoni), il-produzzjoni u l-bejgħ tal-fjuri, il-ġestjoni tal-pesti u tan-nutrizzjoni, u studji dwar il-politika dwar l-iżvilupp rurali u l-agrikoltura. Il-programm ta’ studju joffri perspettiva wiesgħa dwar it-teknoloġiji l-aktar riċenti użati fis-settur agrikolu, kif ukoll ir-rabta tiegħu mal-intraprenditorija u s-setturi kummerċjali tal-ospitalità fir-rigward tad-disinn tal-ġonna, l-agrituriżmu u l-ekoturiżmu. L-istudenti jiġu mħeġġa jorbtu t-teorija mal-prattika fl-istadji kollha tal-kors permezz ta’ assignments, proġetti, u ħidma prattika. Dmirijiet skedati fil-kura prattika tal-għelejjel jiffurmaw parti integrali mill-kurrikulu.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Horticulture assistant inspector, Garden design assistant, Vegetable/fruit grower, Rural development operator
Programme details: