Masters |
Course Title: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering |
Course Code: AE7-01-21 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Blended |
The MCAST MSc in Aerospace Engineering aims to form graduates that will be able to design and implement aerospace projects focusing on more productive but environmentally friendly technologies so as to respond to today’s challenges of a cleaner sky and less noisy and non-polluted environment, as well as to develop safer, faster and cheaper transportation for a growing society. The objective of this Master course is to provide the graduates with the skills required by national and international aerospace companies and with the right profile to match recruitment criteria for agencies as well as public and private bodies in the aerospace sector and also other engineering sectors, for example Automotive. In detail, MCAST’s highly targeted learning aerospace pathway aims at developing career-enhancing skills for aerospace professionals in the aviation sector and in the expanding civilian space business in fields such as the management, maintenance and conversion of aircrafts, R&D of technologies for new generations of aircrafts, and civilian applications for smart satellites and sub-orbital spacecrafts. The course offers the students the possibility to specialize in one of three most highly-demanded fields, namely: • Structures and Measurements for Aerospace • Aerodynamics • Space Technologies. This course has a strong online component. This course is not related to the Engineering Warrant. Fees: Unless otherwise indicated through the respective Programme Specifications, as well as the MCAST Exit Policy document, A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants. |
L-MSc in Aerospace Engineering għandu l-għan li jwassal lill-gradwati biex jkunu jistgħu jiddisinjaw u jimplimentaw proġetti aerospazjali li jiffokaw fuq teknoloġiji aktar produttivi iżda li ma jagħmlux ħsara lill-ambjent, sabiex jirrispondu għall-isfidi tal-lum, biex ikun hemm sema aktar nadif u ambjent inqas storbjuż u mhux imniġġes. B’hekk jiġi żviluppat trasport aktar sikur, aktar mgħaġġel u orħos għal soċjetà li qed tikber.L-għan ta’ dan il-kors f’livell ta’ Master huwa li jipprovdi lill-gradwati bil-ħiliet meħtieġa minn kumpaniji aerospazjali nazzjonali u internazzjonali u bil-profil it-tajjeb biex jaqbel mal-kriterji ta’ reklutaġġ għal aġenziji, kif ukoll korpi pubbliċi u privati fis-settur aerospazjali u wkoll setturi oħra tal-inġinerija, bħal per eżempju tal-Karozzi. Fid-dettall, il-mogħdija ta’ tagħlim aerospazjali mmirata ħafna tal-MCAST għandha l-għan li tiżviluppa ħiliet li jtejbu l-karriera għall-professjonisti talajruspazju fis-settur tal-avjazzjoni u fin-negozju spazjali ċivili li qed jespandi f’oqsma bħall-ġestjoni, il-manutenzjoni u l-konverżjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru, R&D ta’ teknoloġiji għal ġenerazzjonijiet ġodda ta’ ajruplani, u applikazzjonijiet ċivili għal satelliti intelliġenti u vetturi spazjali suborbitali. Il-kors joffri lill-istudenti l-possibbiltà li jispeċjalizzaw f’wieħed mit-tliet oqsma l-aktar mitluba, jiġifieri: • Structures and Measurements for Aerospace • Aerodynamics • Space Technologies. Dan il-kors għandu komponent online qawwi. Dan il-kors mhuwiex relatat mal-Warrant tal-Inġiniera. MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry) |
MQF Level: 7 |
Duration: PT 6 Semesters |
Entry requirements: A Bachelor degree in Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering or in a related field or A MQF Level 5 qualification related to Engineering or Science and adequate professional experience |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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