Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Welding and Fabrication |
Course Code: AE4-A5-21 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This course combines theoretical knowledge and practical training carried out in College-based industrial workshops. Learners will be expected to participate individually and in teams to fabricate welded products. They will learn how to analyse and generate solutions related to typical fabrication using thin plates and pipes. Learners will also be given the opportunity to follow an Apprenticeship to improve their hands-on experience. In order to be able to appreciate the importance of good production management, supervised visits to complex production set-ups are organised during the course. Applicants need to be able to work within the industries concerned. |
Dan il-kors jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku u t-taħriġ prattiku li jsir f’workshops industrijali bbażati fil-Kulleġġ. L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali u f’timijiet biex jiffabbrikaw prodotti wweldjati. Huma jitgħallmu kif janalizzaw u jiġġeneraw soluzzjonijiet relatati mal-fabbrikazzjoni tipika permezz ta’ pjanċi u pajpijiet irqaq. Huma jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li jsegwu Apprendistat biex itejbu l-esperjenza prattika tagħhom. Sabiex l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu japprezzaw l-importanza ta’ ġestjoni tajba tal-produzzjoni, matul il-kors jiġu organizzati żjarat sorveljati f’postijiet tax-xogħol fejn il-produzzjoni hija kumplessa. L-applikanti għandhom ikunu kapaċi jaħdmu fl-industriji kkonċernati. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: Any MQF Level 3 (minimum 60 ECTS) Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Welding and fabrication technician (Welder and fabricator), Welding and fabrication supervisor, Welding and fabrication designer, Pipe welding specialist (Pipe welder and fabricator) |
Programme details: |
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