Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Joinery, Furniture Design and Manufacturing |
Course Code: AE4-A2-21 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This diploma course is aimed at students intending to embark on a career in the woodworking industry. It combines theoretical knowledge and practical training. The practical training is conducted both in College-based industrial workshops and in an industry-based apprenticeship or work placement. Learners will learn how to analyse and provide solutions to typical joinery and furniture products using solid wood and composite materials. Learners will be expected to participate individually and in teams to produce solid wood and composite material manufactured products. |
Dan il-kors ta’ diploma huwa mmirat lejn studenti li jixtiequ jagħmlu karriera fl-industrija tax-xogħol tal-injam. Il-kors jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku mat-taħriġ prattiku. It-taħriġ prattiku jsir kemm f’workshops industrijali bbażati fil-Kulleġġ, kif ukoll fl-industrija waqt apprendistat jew esperjenza ta’ xogħol. L-istudenti jitgħallmu kif janalizzaw u jipprovdu soluzzjonijiet għal prodotti tipiċi tal-għamara bl-użu ta’ injam mastizz u materjali komposti. L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali u f’timijiet biex jipproduċu prodotti manifatturati bl-injam mastizz jew materjali komposti. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: Any MQF Level 3 (minimum 60 ECTS) Diploma or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Carpenter, Furniture design supervisor, Tendering and estimating supervisor (joinery and furniture making) |
Programme details: |
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