Category: MCAST_NEWS

February 23, 2023 Communications

MCAST kicked off a two-day national sports symposium at the Paola campus today, 23 February. Over 120 sports professionals, students and educators are participating in this event organised by the College’s Institute of Community Services (ICS). Titled ‘Challenging the Status Quo: Inspiring a Legacy Beyond the 2023 Major Sports Events’, the symposium provides an opportunity…

February 22, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) has joined a consortium of Universities to create the first Dual Study European University Alliance focusing on work-based learning and co-funded by the European Union ERASMUS+ programme. The EU4Dual European University, a Centre of Excellence on Dual Education, will bring together academia and industry to collaborate in…

February 22, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held an award ceremony celebrating the achievements of 68 members of the Malta Police Force after obtaining their Award in Communication and Presentation from the College’s Institute of Community Services (ICS). The study programme provided the trainees with knowledge and skills on various subjects, including presentation…

February 15, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held an event to launch the STREAM Project. STREAM aspires to network key local players in satellite research to exploit synergies, and capitalise on past project deliverables. This forms part of the National research and innovation strategy to enhance access to and sharing of space-based data….

February 15, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held a Seminar for nurse clinical mentors on campus in Paola. Clinical nurses currently employed at the College, lecturers, and prospective mentors attended the event. During the seminar, a number of panel discussions with key stakeholders within this industry were held. Clinical mentors share a vital…

February 8, 2023 Communications

The MCAST community is deeply saddened by the news of the devastating earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey and Syria at this difficult time. We would like to express our sympathy and support to our international students, staff members and project partners from these regions. Students…

February 3, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held the ‘Blue Economy’ Seminar on campus in Paola. The seminar was organised under Interreg Italia-Malta Project MEN (Excellent Mediterranean Net). ‘Blue Economy’ was the first seminar out of the six seminars committed under the project that covers various sectors, including Environment Protection, Health and Quality…

January 31, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) awarded certificates to the first 29 alumni who successfully passed the Engineering Pre Warrant Qualification Course (PWQC) on Monday, 30 January. Nine students are electrical engineers, while twenty are mechanical engineers. These graduates are leading engineering teams in different sectors and will now be eligible to…

January 31, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) is participating in the I Choose Fair 2023. The event is organised by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation. The Fair provides secondary-level students with the opportunity to explore further career and educational options once they finish compulsory education. Since, these students are…

January 27, 2023 Communications

A delegation from the Salesian Technical School in Zelina, Slovakia visited the MCAST Main Campus in Paola on a fact-finding mission to explore future collaboration.  The Slovak delegation, who were accompanied by Mr Bryan Magro and Mr Louis Debono, were greeted by Mr Philip Vella, Deputy Principal and held discussions with Ing. Stephen Sammut and…