Author: CSREvents

Id-Dizzjunarju tal-Maħbubin hija performance multidixxiplinarja bbażata fuq “Il-Mara tas-Suldat” ippubblikata għall-ewwel darba fuq Aphroconfuso. Din il-performance maħluqa minn KLONN, Hearts Beating In Time u Martina Georgina, tesplora r-relazzjonijiet kumplessi bejn l-imħabba u x-xewqa u l-fluwidità tal-iskoperta personali u l-identità. L-artisti jilagħbu bi xbihat bħal ta’ kupidu li jiżvelaw il-ġlieda bejn il-moħħ u l-qalb. Dizzjunarju tal-Maħbubin...

The Institute of Applied Sciences at MCAST (IAS) held a Nursing Symposium on campus in Paola. The event brought together local and international nursing experts, international guest speakers, academics, students, and other significant stakeholders from within the nursing industry to exchange knowledge and experiences in a way that promotes the importance of the nursing profession....

As part of the Encounter Meets the Industry series, the Institute of Engineering and Transport (IET) held the Aviation Operations and Logistics Sectorial Committee meeting on campus in Paola. MCAST constantly ensures that industry expertise and feedback inform course design and delivery to ensure that learning stays relevant to the needs of employees and employers. The...

MaltaToday and Lovin Malta organised an MEP election debate with candidates for the upcoming European Parliament elections at MCAST Paola Campus. The guests for this debate were Thomas Bajada (Partit Laburista), Louise Anne Pulis (Partit Nazzjonalista), Sandra Gauci (ADPD), Conrad Borg Manché (Independent)

MCAST Sports Students, in collaboration with the NGO MOVE and MCAST CSR & Events, organised an event full of physical activities and sports at MCAST Paola Campus in celebration of MOVE WEEK 2024! The activities included Fitness Workouts for All every hour, Pana Football, Basketball Free Throw Challenge, Penalty Shoot Out, Badminton and a variety...

MCAST held a conference titled ‘A Collegial Gameplan: A Business Breakfast for Partners in Sports’ to present and discuss the Fun Fit 5 (FF5) research report and the findings from the Sports Symposium 2023 report. During the conference, MCAST launched a new level 6 Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Coaching, which was identified as a critical...

MCAST together with the Institute of Community Services (ICS) held the Early Years forum on campus in Paola. The forum aimed to foster the creative co-construction of knowledge in local Kinder Garden settings. The College through the Institute of Community Services is working to empower Kinder Garden educators in order to manifest their creativity through the...

MCAST and IBMC organised the ‘Business Career EXPO’ 2024 on campus in Paola. The initiative, spread over two days, focuses on career paths related to business. Her Excellency, the President of Malta, Miriam Spriteri Debono, visited the EXPO this morning. This marked the President’s first visit to the MCAST Paola Campus. more info & photos: President...

MCAST hosted the 1st edition of the European Dual Higher Education Conference (EU4Dual) on campus in Paola. Several project meetings and a conference took place on campus from 8 April to 11 April 2024. The European Dual Studies University (EU4Dual) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ European Universities Alliance Programme. It is a transnational alliance between nine...