Author: Communications

February 22, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) has joined a consortium of Universities to create the first Dual Study European University Alliance focusing on work-based learning and co-funded by the European Union ERASMUS+ programme. The EU4Dual European University, a Centre of Excellence on Dual Education, will bring together academia and industry to collaborate in…

February 22, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held an award ceremony celebrating the achievements of 68 members of the Malta Police Force after obtaining their Award in Communication and Presentation from the College’s Institute of Community Services (ICS). The study programme provided the trainees with knowledge and skills on various subjects, including presentation…

December 2, 2022 Communications

MCAST’s Institute of Engineering and Transport (IET) is participating in the IEEE Region 8 Robot Championship for the first time. The event aims to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) among members of IEEE . The initiative focuses on STEM communication, entrepreneurship, creativity, problem solving and teamwork. The championship will be held on 3…

December 2, 2022 Communications

The last graduation ceremony was held in Gozo on 2 December. Over the past two weeks, MCAST celebrated the success of 2,411 students graduating at different levels. In all, 28 sessions were held. All ceremonies were held at the Main Campus in Paola, and this last ceremony celebrating the success of students who attended courses…

November 23, 2022 Communications

Over 2,000 students from various secondary schools are visiting the College throughout November and December. These orientation visits are part of the College’s awareness-raising initiatives organised by the Outreach and Student Affairs Department. The department organises activities in schools and on campus. These initiatives ensure that all secondary school students know about the range of…

October 29, 2022 Communications

A very strong vote from over 250 EfVET eligible members re-elected MCAST Principal/CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja for another three year term as EfVET President. The electronic vote took place during the Annual General Meeting of the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education (EfVET) in Kuopio, Finland last Friday. EfVET last year celebrated its…

October 29, 2022 Communications

Three students following courses at the Malta College for Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) were nominated for the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ award during the Malta Business Awards organised by the Malta Chamber of SMEs. College students Mirhea Abdilla, Amber Borg, and Chris Saliba were the three shortlisted finalists in the mentioned category. Ms Mirhea…

June 25, 2022 Communications

The Malta College for Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) successfully hosted prospective students and their families at the College’s Main Campus in Paola during an open day event held on 24 June 2022. Over 3,000 visitors attended the open day enthusiastically seeking information about education and training opportunities. Aspiring students had the opportunity to witness…

June 1, 2022 Communications

Further to the publication of the Investigation Report dated 5th March 2019, chaired by Mr Paul Bonello and comments made in the media, the following MCAST statement provides a factual summary of the issues relating to this report. We recognise that this matter has caused deep concern for members of our community and that MCAST’s…

March 2, 2022 Communications

The world is once again witnessing a horrific war in Europe. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. These are deeply troubling times, and we cannot remain silent in the face of aggression and assault on the core values of Europe and its peoples. It is a time when our community needs to come…