Author: Communications

February 13, 2025 Communications

MCAST Principal and CEO, Mr Stephen Vella, recently welcomed the Australian High Commissioner to Malta, Matt Skelly, for an introductory meeting at the College. The visit marked an important step in fostering potential collaboration between Malta and Australia in the fields of education, skills development, and workforce training. During the meeting, High Commissioner Skelly highlighted…

November 29, 2024 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) completed the third edition of the MCAST Qualitative Research Conference 2024, themed Beyond Boundaries through Applied Qualitative Research. The event, organised by the Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), focused on methodology implementation and the practical application of applied research, particularly within industry and society. This…

November 28, 2024 Communications

MCAST Students from the Institute of Engineering and Transport (IET) successfully participated in the international robotics competitions organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The IEEE R8 Robot Championship aims to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) among IEEE members and focuses on STEM communication, entrepreneurship, creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork. Held in…

November 13, 2024 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) presented four research projects awarded 106 570 Euro through the Research Fellowship Scheme launched last March. The event highlighted MCAST’s commitment to fostering innovation through collaborative research between academia and industry. Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research, and Innovation, Hon. Keith Azzopardi Tanti, emphasised the fellowship’s role…

September 27, 2024 Communications

EN The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology declares that it has taken note of the Union’s announcements and remains open to discussions during which the MUT can propose its decisions on the different points that still need to be resolved, including the financials. The discussions will take place when the directives are lifted,…

September 10, 2024 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST) proudly announces the appointment of Stephen Vella as its new Principal and Chief Executive Officer. The College issued a call for applications for this position last June. Vella brings over two decades of experience in vocational education and a strong track record of leadership within MCAST….

May 7, 2024 Communications

A debate on the MEP elections took place at the MCAST Paola campus on 7 May. This was the second debate organised by Malta Today and Lovin Malta as part of the Ewropej fil-Pjazza roadshow in the run-up to the election. A panel of MEP candidates, including Thomas Bajada (PL), Louise Anne Pulis (PN), Sandra…

May 6, 2024 Communications

Staff and student fundraising activities at MCAST are important because they can foster a culture of social responsibility and support the college’s mission of preparing students for meaningful contributions to society. Over the past weeks, several fundraising activities have taken place on campus, showing the community’s enthusiasm for uniting in aid of good causes. On…

May 6, 2024 Communications

MCAST hosted eight principals from different vocational colleges in Ireland on 3 May. The delegation included representatives from Ballyfermot College, BIFE, Coláiste Íde College of Further Education, DIFE, FTE, GTI, Mayo College, St John’s Central College and Waterford College of Further Education. This visit saw the delegation actively collaborating, sharing insights on vocational education, and…

November 17, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held the annual graduation thanksgiving mass at the Sanctuary Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Valletta on 17 November. The ceremony marked the start of the upcoming graduation ceremonies to be held on campus in Paola. President of the Board of Governors, Professor Ian…