Gozo Campus

Course Title: Diploma in Social Care
Course Code: CS3-03-23G


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
Prospective candidates who enrol in this course should have an interest in working with children, adolescents, elderly persons and persons with disabilities. Lectures include a number of varied topics such as effective communication, creativity, human development, safe practices, rights and dignity for different service users and delivering personal care. The programme offers an opportunity for learners to carry out work-based learning in two different host organisations in the sector. Here they will be expected to carry out a range of assigned tasks under supervision. In the case of learners who do not wish to further their studies, this one-year programme provides a suitable exit point to seek employment as a care worker.
Il-Kandidati prospettivi li jirreġistraw għal dan il-kors full-time għandhom ikollhom interess li jaħdmu ma’ tfal, żgħażagħ u persuni anzjani u individwi b’kapaċitajiet differenti. Il-lezzjonijiet jinkludu għadd ta’ suġġetti varjati bħal komunikazzjoni, ilkreattività, l-iżvilupp uman, prattiċi ta’ sigurtà id-dinjità u d-drittijiet tal-individwi u kura personali. Barra minn hekk, dan il-programm ta’ studju joffri opportunità biex l-istudenti jirċievu tagħlim ibbażat fil-post tax-xogħol, f’żewġ organizzazzjonijiet ospitanti differenti li jiffurmaw parti mis-settur. Hawnhekk ikunu mistennija jwettqu, taħt superviżjoni, ix-xogħol li huma jiġu assenjati. Fil-każ ta’ studenti li ma jixtiqux ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom, dan il-programm ta’ sena jipprovdi punt ta’ ħruġ xieraq biex wieħed isib impjieg bħala ħaddiem ta’ appoġġ.
MQF Level: 3
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate
2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Other entry requirements: Prior to embarking on a Work Placement, learners need to:
• satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors Act (POMA);
• satisfy specific immunisation requirements; and
• present a clean police conduct.
Career opportunities: Care worker
Programme details: