Centre for Learning and Employability

Course Title: Award in Hospitality
Course Code: LE1-03-21


Course details

Through this award programme, learners will start to become familiar with the hospitality industry, as well as have the opportunity to identify such industries, locally and abroad. Different roles and duties found within the hospitality industry will be explored, as will be the understanding of the hierarchy and responsibility one would have to deal with in
such roles. Learners will also discuss and understand the importance of hygiene at work, including personal hygiene, as well as the importance of keeping safe and working in a safe and healthy environment. This would also include being ethical and using adequate etiquette.
Permezz ta’ dan il-programm ta’ għotja, l-istudenti jibdew isiru familjari malindustrija tal-ospitalità, kif ukoll ikollhom l-opportunità li jidentifikaw dawn l-industriji, kemm lokalment kif ukoll barra mill-pajjiż. Huma jesploraw ir-rwoli u d-dmirijiet differenti marbuta mal-industrija tal-ospitalità, kif ukoll jitgħallmu dwar il-ġerarkija u r-responsabbiltà li wieħed ikollu jiffaċċja f’dawn ir-rwoli. L-istudenti jiddiskutu u jifhmu wkoll l-importanza tal-iġjene fuq il-post tax-xogħol, inkluża l-iġjene personali, kif ukoll l-importanza li wieħed iżomm ruħu ’l bogħod mill-periklu u li jaħdem f’ambjent sikur u tajjeb għas-saħħa. Dan ikun jinkludi wkoll l-etika u l-użu ta’ manjieri tajbin.
MQF Level: 1
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: Finished Compulsory Education, documented by the SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate and Profile).
Applicants are required to present a recent psychological report (issued no more than 3 years before date of application) and school reports including most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Adapt to both class-based and community-based learning – to be ascertained through an induction session at MCAST, attendance for which is compulsory
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Assistant in kitchen, Assistant in restaurant, Assistant in housekeeping
Programme details: