Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance
Course Code: MV4-A7-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This qualification is for candidates wanting to develop some of the essential skills and understanding in motor vehicle systems. Learners will be able to identify hazards and risks in the automotive environment and work safely with equipment, materials and products. Learners should also gain a good knowledge of tools and measuring devices as well as of routine light vehicle maintenance. Learners will be expected to develop an understanding of the construction and operation of common steering, suspension engines and many important systems (including mechanical and electrical) as well as procedures involved in the inspection, serviceability, adjustments, removal and replacement of components and the evaluation of their performance. Applicants coming in through the O-Level route may be requested to complete an additional Level 4 preparatory year if they do not already have exposure and experience within the area in question.
Din il-kwalifika hija għal kandidati li jixtiequ jiżviluppaw xi wħud mill-ħiliet essenzjali u jitgħallmu dwar is-sistemi ta’ vetturi bil-mutur. L-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jidentifikaw perikli u riskji fl-ambjent ta’ karozzi u jaħdmu b’mod sikur bit-tagħmir, il-materjali u l-prodotti. L-istudenti għandhom jiksbu wkoll għarfien tajjeb tal-għodod u apparat ta’ kejl, kif ukoll dwar il-manutenzjoni ta’ rutina ta’ vetturi żgħar. L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jifhmu kif inhuma mibnija u kif jaħdmu l-isteering, is-sistema tas-suspension u ħafna sistemi oħra importanti (inklużi dawk mekkaniċi u elettriċi). Huma jitgħallmu wkoll il-proċeduri involuti fl-ispezzjoni, is-servisjar, l-aġġustamenti, it-tneħħija u t-tibdil ta’ komponenti u l-evalwazzjoni tal-prestazzjoni tagħhom. L-applikanti li jidħlu għal dan il-kors bl-O-Levels jistgħu jiġu mitluba jagħmlu sena preparatorja addizzjonali f’Livell 4, jekk ma jkollhomx diġà esperjenza ta’ xogħol f’dan is-settur.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 3 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MCAST MQF Level 3 Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Engineering Technology or Design and Technology or Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics.
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Motor vehicle technician
Programme details: